Monday, December 27, 2021

Some interesting lights decorating yards

 We drove on some rather well traveled streets, and incurred some honks from cars behind us a couple of times. It was only around 6:30 and we tried to mainly go to roads with very little traffic.

Fortunately this house was off the beaten path. So we parked and stared at these figures.

First we saw the winged creature was a cow.

Then wasn't that another one ringed all in red lights?

And what is that third form? Is it another cow? We think so.

What does this have to do with the holidays? Is there a story out there that we have missed? Between us we represent 160 years of experience...and never have seen anything like this!!

Let me play a bit with the exposure so maybe it's more easy to discern...though I'd love one of those great photo programs about now.

And I just noticed these are udder-less perhaps they are bulls or at least steers. Art they wishing for more steaks?

We're both vegetarian and vegan respectively. But these people are a little bit - out in left field shall we say?


  1. Hello,

    Strange, but the lights at night are still very pretty. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. I think I've got to broaden my expectations for Holiday lights!

  2. I wonder what about their lives prompted this.

  3. Everyone floats in a different boat!
    Perhaps this is a strange raft?

    1. I wonder how you got nautical out of this! Maybe the wood holding the forms up??

  4. That is strange. Maybe they're saying have a very Moo-ey Christmas!

  5. We've been intending to check out the lights here, but will need to do it soon. The cows look like something we'd find in our rural area.

    1. Oh that's a hear that others might also do something like this.

  6. Sometimes there is no reason, it is what it is. Strange but it gives people something to ponder. :)

    1. Yes, a dedicated cow lover may well have wanted others to know how he/she felt about them.

  7. Replies
    1. A very good possibility. But like the millionaire who dresses like a bum, are we to take things at face value?

  8. Well, there is a story about a Christmas cow. ??? I hope you are enjoying the holidays.


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