Sunday, December 26, 2021

My feast and the blooming orchids

Some shots of my Christmas feast this year. I actually had planned to have a back-up meal for my son and his family from Ohio, if they arrived too late to go to dinner around here. I had ordered some nice catered items. So I went ahead and got one meal's worth for me. And then I added my own roasted asparagus, tomatoes and garlic.  


After...the carmalized garlic and asparagus were wonderful. I threw in the tomatoes just because they're cheerful. 

Before: This vegetarian ate the apricot sauced chicken breast, sour cream mashed potatoes, and the roasted veggies. The boneless breast of chicken was delicious with all the apricot sauce.


 OK, I lied (and admitted it!) ...about blooming orchids...

These are just promises of blooms. A funny term, buds.

Yes the red shamrock is also blooming in its bucket!

As of Dec. 23. No more have opened by Christmas.I have moved them to a less sunny spot so maybe they'll last longer. I usually have a couple of months of joy from them.

I've been on Ancestry, updating my various relations by marriage...mainly those of my daughters-in-law. I've had their own family trees separate from my own, but am slowly adding them all into my own. It means spending a lot of time looking at dates, names, and marriages. It also made me aware of how many people were at the ends of their lives when I was a young adult doing the most adventurous parts of my life. So now I guess I'm one of those elders while my descendants should be out doing young adult things. But they're not. I do wonder at that. PS, some of them are showing promise!

Here's an enjoyable video...not related to Christmas, but shared recently. Best to watch as a full screen enjoyment! Sadek Waff says..."There is magic everywhere, the key is knowing how to look and listen in silence. Like a cloud of birds forming waves in the sky, each individual has their own identity but also has an irreplaceable place in the whole."

Today's quote:

Every second you spend worrying about the future or thinking about the past, regretfully or not, is a second lost, because really all you have to live in is the present, the now.”
 Eckert Tolle


  1. Hello,
    Your meal look yummy, I would love the roasted asparagus and tomatoes.
    A promise of blooms to come, they will be lovely.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead!

    1. Thanks, and I hope your Sunday is most enjoyable for you all!

  2. I am not sure what you lied about, but I think you treated yourself to a nice day despite the disappointment.

    1. The title says "blooms" and there's still only one. Yes, except for the mess in the kitchen (which I'm so used to it doesn't usually register) I had a very good quiet day.

  3. It looks like you had a very nice personal feast.

    1. Thanks, it was a small feast, and very delicious. I love having asparagus, tomato and garlic left overs too, as well as more of those delicious mashed potatoes. Nuke up a veggie patty and I'm all set. Now to lose the weight!!

  4. ...that looks like a yummy meal.

  5. We're mostly vegetarians here and had a lovely veggie Christmas meal too. Roger does eat chicken and so many of our meals look just like this!

    1. Now I'm having the fun of getting back to the lean, low fat plant based diet. Yay for various Indian and Chinese and Thai dishes!

  6. Your meal looks yummy and I'm sure you enjoyed it. We had lasagna, which was meatless and the leftovers are tonight's meal. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Replies
    1. It certainly was, and I'm not going to miss eating an animal again for a while.


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