Saturday, November 20, 2021

The big playground


Dallas 1900

Did you have a playground that you enjoyed, either at recess during school, or after school?

Sorry only one shot, I've a good excuse (I've been sick!)

But I'm doing much better!!

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week! 


  1. Hello,
    Yes, we had a fun playground a nice park nearby. Great photos.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!

  2. That is a big one. I remember non-safe monkey bars are such. I knew a gut who got his ankle trapped in a merry-go-round, so I guess modern safety practices are good.

  3. Not too much health and safety back in 1900! I don't think I'd even seen a playground like that till I was too old to enjoy it; we made do with climbing on trees, straw-stacks and farm machinery - and somehow survived. Hope you're soon feeling better.

  4. We didn't have a playground like that. I wish we did, though, it looks like lots of fun. Really glad you're doing better. Yay!

  5. I find myself holding my breath just looking at that photo - expecting someone to fall and seriously hurt themselves! (I was never a big fan of playgrounds like that, even as a child...)

  6. I had a couple of playgrounds near my neighborhood when growing up but never big as the one in your photo. Good that you are feeling better.

  7. They would never allow one like that today.

  8. That's a whopper of a playground! And not so safe by today's standards. Whew. Glad you're feeling better. :)

  9. Only one photo, but more than 20 subjects :-) And what a fun photo, too. Certainly enough "pairs" to fit with this week's prompt. Glad you are feeling better.

  10. Very impressive. My jungle gyms and swings were never that big! Hope you're feeling fit for Thanksgiving with family and friends. There's lots to be thankful for this year.

  11. Wow. That is some playground. I never played on one quite so tall as that! Not for the faint of heart. Hope you enjoy Thanksgiving and are feeling much better.

  12. |A great fun photograph, though I am sure you would never have got e up those high ladders onto the high bards. I was a bit of a timid child. My brother and I went to the playgorund in the Stanley Park in Blackpool, but I hated the "witches hat" which we clambered onto and energetic boys made it swing around - ditto the giant see- saw which held several children and you could rock higher and higher - both I am sure would be banned under health and safety policies now.

  13. Our rural school had a vintage merry-go-round that could spin so fast that we felt we were flying as we hung onto the uprights.


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