Friday, November 19, 2021

Beauty and...


First to share a bright color in a parking lot...then the mundane of..

Take out the trash!  That's once a week at my house, because we have collection points where everyone's trash is supposedly put in maybe 5-6 bins. The rest of the week we supposedly put just kitchen trash in 2 bear-proof bins. Yes, we could have a black bear come snacking on our trash any time, but more often in the spring.

So I ran out of these bags, and asked a friend to pick some up for me. What a dear friend. She found the cheapest ones that met my needs too!

I'd give her a bouquet of Dahlias, except I don't have one. This was someplace I visited in the last month. Except I've only gone to my Dr. 2 blocks away for the last couple of weeks, and the pharmacy a couple of long blocks away (not for me to walk up and down those hills.)

So I'm about to journey forth to the trash bins!


  1. Interestingly, as I type this comment in the early morning here on the north coast of California, I hear our weekly garbage truck rolling down the street. It's garbage day!

  2. Sounds like you're feeling better if you can take out the trash.

  3. My dahlias are all gone now too. You got some beautiful blooms from your neighbor.

  4. Enough of your disgusting trash talk. Do you think this is FB? 😎😊😜


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.