Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September 1, 2021

 Happy September.

I'm walking again in the mornings. We have some leaves along the driveway and sidewalks already.

Since it will be close to 90 later on, and we often have evening showers...getting up to walk early is the best choice around!

Other people's flowers are so enjoyable!

Here're mine this week...

Today's quote:

Often, the colors we like best are the colors we most need in our lives and provide us with subtle vibrational help.


  1. It's cool here this morning 55ยบ. Fall is in the air. Saw pumpkins for sale yesterday at the farm I purchased corn from. And here too leaves are starting to color up.

    1. We have cool nights, but I've usually got the windows closed because the air has been too humid for my comfort.

  2. I am seeing signs of autumn on various blogs. I do not approve. I love fall but not just yet.

    1. We've got a peak of color usually 2-3rd week of Oct. That's when I'll go up on the Parkway with all the other "leaf peepers."

  3. ...many leaves are falling because of our dry weather.

    1. We haven't had much drought here...but some trees do start to lose their leaves this early.

  4. I'm glad you're getting out to walk in the morning. Yes, there is a bit of autumn in the air and soon it will be equinox.

  5. Very pretty. I don't know about that quote; I must ponder it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.