Tuesday, August 31, 2021

First day of High School, and a few birthday pics

My youngest granddaughter is about to go to her first day of school as a high school freshman. Her bigger sister is a senior in the same high school. And her biggest sis is a sophomore in college this year!

My 79th and friend, Teresa, masked!

Or unmasked! Lunch by the creek at Ole's Guacamoles.

More lunches will follow!!

Today's quote:

Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.

ROBIN WALL KIMMERER, author of "Braiding sweetgrass"


  1. Schooldays seem a long time ago now but I can still recall the nervousness and excitement of the first day at a new school. That looks a rather wonderful place for a birthday meal.

  2. Hello,

    Your granddaughter is pretty. Great photos of you and your friend. It is nice to get out with friends for lunch!
    Have a great day!

  3. Danica will start high school too. Next week.
    Teresa's mask matches her top pretty well.

  4. Just thinking about my first day at high school and remembering it was the first time I had to take a school bus to get to school. Hope your grand-daughter has a great first days. Lovely photos!

  5. Happy Birthday! Hope the kids can stay in school; I'm giving my local high school a couple weeks before they shut down due to Covid.


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