Saturday, March 6, 2021

Veterans' Park

A fair day with lots of cars in the parking area. I appologize for these photos being somewhat out of focus. Must be something happening with new phone camera. I have trouble opening the photos on computer. A new computer will be set up soon.

Walking toward the three paths...

The tunnel under I-40...not as scary on a nice sunny day.

Yes, there's a bit of the Swannanoa River coming under the interstate highway.

Go towards Black Mountain over this foot bridge.

Looking toward the playing fields, and that Saturday there were Frisbee Golf players.

Quote for today:

Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky." ~ Kahlil Gibran


  1. Thanks for the walks. Looks like you are enjoying sunny, warm weather.
    We have the sunny, but the temps have dropped back down to the low twenties. At least the sun is strong enough to warm the sunroom.
    Perhaps warmer next week.

    1. A sunroom sounds just right! We're back into cold nights, but no rain for a while, which means I'd better get out and do some more walking!

  2. Hello, Barbara
    Looks like a great day to visit the park and walking trail. I love the tree shadows on the trail and the view of the bridge. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hi Eileen...Thanks for stopping by and commenting! It's sunny but cold still...however I do plan to get out and walk somewhere today.

  3. You really do have such a nice place to go for walks there.

    1. I'm very fortunate...and I haven't even tried finding walking paths in Asheville. Many people come to NC mountains to hike through the woods...and I can't really do that any more. There are trails all over the place outside of town!

  4. ...thanks,I'm looking forward to scenes like these.

    1. I guess you are a bit further north, and have a slightly later springtime.

  5. I walk every day too, although my walk isn't as scenic as yours and I often need to carry an umbrella.

    1. That's great to hear. The sun is shining again today, so I'm more likely to walk. You get a prize for walking in the rain!

    2. If I didn't walk in the rain here, I would never do so. It is rare that it is constant; it usually comes and goes.

  6. Once again, beautiful pictures of the outdoors - despite your challenges with new phone. I can smell that fresh air and feel the sun. Similar weather here in Louisville KY. Now I really must get out and walk - you've inspired me. The KG quote is a treasure, thank you!

    1. I'm happy to hear you are inspired to walk...and take a camera so you can grab some pictures to blog about! Such fun!

  7. Won't be long before we see green on those trees you're walking by.

    1. I saw a few buds with promise. But temp tonight will be 25 F, so the trees are waiting a bit still.

  8. You are really doing well with the walking!

    1. I make it most days when the weather is nice, just a half hour at most. I like that I can take photos every once in a while, then also walk for exercise.

  9. A nice walk! Thanks for sharing.


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