Sunday, March 7, 2021

The community garden on Sunday when it got warm

From the parking lot at Veterans Park, you go under the overpass of I-40...a bit scary, but it's a straight shot.

A large group of Frisbee Golfers.

My first sighting of Daffodils! And as usual the wind was whipping them around!

The garden plots had their hoops still there, but the shrouds of white plastic had been taken down. Since there will probably be more freezing nights, I guess these plots don't have any plants in them that will suffer.

I was surprised that nobody was out working in their garden yet.

Thought for today:

There is so much beauty in honoring those that came before you and seeking their wisdom.

Daily Om


  1. Hello,
    I love the daffodils. The view of the trail going under the road is neat. It looks like a great community garden. We can not plant here until the end of April or early May, because of frost. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

    1. These were my first daffs. I keep walking over there, so will show various stages of the gardeners' work.

  2. Daffodils are so hardy. I have seen them covered with snow and bent in the wind, but they endure.

    1. Yep, sometimes we will have a March snow, right over our daffs!

  3. ...I checked on my garden yesterday and it is frozen stiff.

    1. Time will come, we have this thing about patiently waiting for spring.

  4. Daffodils are my favorite spring flower. Can't wait to see if this yard has any planted.

    1. Oh yes, you're in a new situation. That will be fun!

  5. I would still have the plastic over the hoops, keeping warmth and moisture in!
    Looks nicely organised anyway

  6. Spring is on its way! We're having cold (near freezing) nights here still, so I won't plant anything. Hoping the tulips bloom fairly soon though. They are hardy!

  7. Daffodils are showing up everywhere here. It's a beautiful sight!

  8. Good luck with your gardens this year!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.