Thursday, March 18, 2021

Tree about to bloom

Wednesday Cathy and I walked around Lake Tomahawk. It had been at least a week, and my lungs had only been coughing for a lot of that week. Let's just say it was a good workout for me.

That's my friends Jeff and Diane's house in the background. But I'm mainly interested in identifying the tree. 
There was no wind during our walk, which I appreciated. That evening some rain storms were due to hit us.

It's about to burst into bloom. But Cathy and I had no clue what it is.

Do you know what that tree is?


  1. Hello Barbara,
    Beautiful views of the lake and tree. I wish I could help with the id, maybe blogger Tom will stop by and help.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  2.'s a Callery Pear, Bradford is perhaps the most common variety.

  3. Well that makes sense, since they are among the first to bloom. But we were puzzled by the shape being wrong for a Bradford. Thanks!

  4. I love seeing that tree and that now you know what kind it is.

  5. I like the view of the lake. That's great when someone can identify a tree for you, how nice and now you know.

  6. I love seeing buds about to pop open!

  7. It's a beautiful tree. I wish I were better at identifying plants.


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