Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Sitting rather than walking

 The third post of one day by the lake...and tomorrow will be from another day, with different focus!

Don't get dizzy, this just happened when I slipped the phone into my pocket.

Yes, I hadn't seen this parking lot this full since I used to come eat lunch here daily. A clear Saturday in January brought everyone out!

Because of the crowded walks, with a few of the walkers wearing masks, I chose to sit and enjoy the day without walking around the lake. I also felt a bit lazy.

But rather than going to this bench on the peninsula which had some mallards enjoying lunch, I just clicked their image and kept on moving.

More ducks were joining them, coming out of the water (in the shade of the rocks so you can't really see them jumping up.)

My seat afforded me a rock to make sure I didn't go into the shallow water between the huge rocks. No ducks had yet made this a slope where some landscaping people had put a bit of grass sod.

View of the Rec. Building at Lake Tomahawk, from my peninsula. 

I just shared a great link on Facebook, which NPR's apparently been around a while. Radio Garden. Try it out and listen to radio stations anywhere in the world!

Today's quote:

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within—strength, courage, dignity.



  1. It sounds as though you need a one-way system around the lake to help people keep their distance. It's good to sit for a while and watch the world go by though.

    1. I often will stop and enjoy the view while walking around the lake. I like your idea, but there's a great deal of southern ornery in many of my neighbors, and I dare say they would still walk their dogs in the wrong direction!

  2. has been so cold lately, that I've been sitting more and walking less.

    1. I often stay indoors and try some cardio videos on the days below 30. But I'm not very motivated to do the march in place etc.

  3. That's a pretty impressive rec building.

    1. The upstairs is a big dining room where they used to serve senior lunches (through the Council on Aging) at cost...or it was rented out for special functions. Downstairs had a pool table, and a couple of computers, and folding tables, and a well as a tiny office for the head of the activities that were scheduled...many classes. I think maybe the head comes in sometimes, but there aren't any classes these days.

  4. There are definitely sitting days in our lives. Chance to take in one's wider surroundings. You're doing it well.

    1. Oh yes, I like the work that walking gives me better health, and the sitting to become more peaceful, which is also good for my health!

  5. Lovely photos. Thank you for the Radio Garden link. It's fantastic!

  6. Seems like a very pleasant way to pass a couple of hours. Bight, sunny conditions make all the difference.

    1. Yes, I've sometimes walked when rain fell recently, and unhappily had to wait till I got back in the car to sit.

  7. You still enjoyed the sunny day. Nice photos, I like the look of the rec building.

    1. Yes, and you dear readers have probably gotten very tired of seeing photos around that lake. Sorry about that.

  8. What a gorgeous day! How do you stay warm? Lots of layers?

    1. Actually I've been wearing 2 layers...leggings under regular knit pants, a tee and a sweater under a warm coat, hat and gloves, and of course a mask. So I admit to having my 30 degree coat, my 40 degree coat, and my 50 degree coat...the advantage of shopping thrift stores and just hanging onto them for years. (true confession, I need to clean one of them from spilled coffee and sew a button better on one where it's about to fall off.)

  9. Replies
    1. It was originally closer to the lake, and downstairs had a boat house. Then they moved it back, stopped trying to let people swim in the lake and started a real swimming pool (with it's own bath house) and use the downstairs area for classes. Of course it's pretty closed up now. I mentioned above in a comment that the upstairs is a huge dining room.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.