Tuesday, February 9, 2021

From a bench on a peninsula in a lake...


To continue my Saturday, Jan. 23 2021 sitting at the lake....some days I just don't have any new photos to share!

Yes, my bench was at the same peninsula as the gazebo at Lake Tomahawk

I was interested in the bark on this tree...perhaps a cherry tree? It certainly has lots of dead or dying  limbs.

Today's quote:

I and this mystery; here we stand.

–Walt Whitman


  1. Have a good day down there. It's exciting here as I will get to pick up our weekly grocery order at 11 o'clock.

    1. You may be a thousand miles north of me, but we still are in the same time zone (I think) Eastern Standard Time at this point. So I'll be thinking of you in a couple of hours getting all your groceries. I broke down and went to several stores on Saturday - no a good idea since there were many people out and shopping, but they were all masked at least.

  2. ...the last image is gorgeous. There is no sitting on a bench here today.

    1. Thanks...there are many moods on that lake. Whether it's been raining and the walks are all muddy, or a sunny day reflecting lots of fluffy clouds. I will probably do a walk today, though the sun is now behind clouds again.

  3. Lovely to see the lake, mountains, clouds, and reflections. Beautiful.

    1. I have a bit of a circumscribed life...and am not very adventurous these days. So it's just some simple places that I repeat visiting over and over. Fortunately the weather makes changes, and the seasons.

  4. That's a nice reflection of the clouds in the lake.

    1. Thanks. I noticed someone else's post had a lot of reflections in their photos today.

  5. I am still entranced by the blue sky. We have a little bit here, but are expecting snow later this week. Ugh.

    1. I think North Carolina does have its share of blue skies. I am usually drawn to be outside whenever there's a sunny day.

  6. Yes, that last images is fabulous!

    1. Thanks. I think I sometimes focus on the muddy water rather than the blue sky!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.