Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The buildings that no one visits these days and some current events

All church services are virtually given over the internet at this  stage of the pandemic.

All these shots are different views of the same church! This cemetery is right down hill from it.

On Craigmont Rd, in Black Mountain NC is a fairly new cemetery.

The older "Oak Grove Cemetery" exists a few blocks away, and has very few empty plots left.

The Old Oak Grove Cemetery is next to the Thomas Chapel, at the junction of Craigmont Rd. and N. Blue Ridge Rd. It was one of the original Black churches in Black Mountain.


The Valley Chapel is across the street from Thomas Chapel, on N. Blue Ridge Rd.

These quiet buildings will survive, and again attract those who helped create them.

Here's a disturbing YouTube video from Jan 6 inside the Capitol. It was posted by John Sullivan, and I have to conclude that he is JayDenX who took these 39:34 minutes of video. 

I share it because it shows how a mob works...30 minutes or more without any particular direction except shouting slogans, moving into any space that it can occupy, without any concession to any orderly conduct. Disorder was the continuing passion for these people. They remind me of lemmings...moving forward, fighting against everything in their path, but not knowing what they really wanted. 

The video is particularly disturbing because it includes the shooting of a mobster woman Ashli Babbitt at minute 35:09. And at 35:22, as she lay dying, another man in a police uniform, raised his automatic rifle towards the man who had shot through the window into the crowd, then lowered it. 

Incidentally the men who had been trying to break through the glass disappeared at that point. There were then 5 uniformed policemen, and one in a suit with an ID around his neck, trying to get people back from the woman on the floor. Incidentally, the shot though the bulletproof glass which had been damaged, took it out completely. The next action was two uniformed policemen trying to give first aid to the woman on the floor, while the man in a suit talked through the window to the man who had probably done the shooting. Several more policemen appeared up the stairs. One of the mobsters shouted "You shot a f*** girl!" then at minute 39:36 they yell, "She's dead!"

And finally enough Capitol Police come to back the crowd out of that hallway, including the man taking that video.

There are many more disturbing videos...because all those insurrectionists were taking them constantly. The various news media probably paid to purchase a lot of them!

Here are several other views of these harrowing events. 

I know that at least 50 Capitol Police were injured. I'm really tired of hearing The Pentagon refused requests for help. Who the "heck" is the person who made that decision?  


  1. Hello,

    Pretty collection pf church photos. Covid has stopped a lot of the indoor services. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen...I was hoping nobody would come and question me taking the pictures. Someone is taking photos of people's houses and they're getting spooked. Tough times we're living through.

  2. I like those churches.

    I'd hope last week is an end to this.... But suspect it won't be.

    1. I agree, we have all been shocked pretty much last Wed. But the emotions of those people still exist, and they only need someone to suggest where they can throw their energies...and boom it can happen again.

  3. Hopefully, the videos will help to bring justice to many who deserve it.

  4. ...when it comes to the Capitol Riots, it's clowns following a clown!

    1. Yes, and they need to start thinking for themselves. The corporate supporters are backing down at least.

  5. Now some of the Capitol Police are being investigated for their participation or lack of restraint. Who takes a selfie with a terrorist? A Capitol policeman! Not sure I can watch anymore videos. It's become more and more harrowing.

    1. Yes, I think the allegiances were a bit warped by some of those "Capitol Police."

  6. There is lots of blame to go around, but it's being deflected from the person who should be taking responsibility but won't. His name starts with a T and ends with a P.

    1. Yes, and tonight (Tues) the House will vote on Impeaching him.

  7. It's probably going to be a crazy time in DC next week. The videos are helping the authorities in identifying the people who participated. Let's hope for no violence and death.

    1. I agree. However the feelings of the Republicans are still there.

  8. The violence at the Capitol is over for now, but the causes have not gone away, principally a president who lies continuously and consistently, and people who accept what he says on blind faith and refuse to accept facts. I fear that more trouble lies ahead.


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