Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Near the dam

A lone fisherman...sitting at the base of the dam on Lake Tomahawk.

Looking below the dam (as I walked around the lake) someone has started a fire...perhaps at the Veteran's VFW bar.

There were more cars parked there when I came by earlier. On my way home, only one car is still out front. But there's no more smoke from that chimney. update on some of my indoor plants...

The little fairy sits on the edge of a planter I made, which houses also (besides the fairy) a lavender plant which I've left on the balcony for the past 3 months. Somehow it still received enough sun and rain, and didn't get frozen solid, so I felt sorry for it and brought it inside to the living room windowsill.
I also cut back a lot of the branches, so it might not shed all over the place. I put the cuttings over the dirt as mulch.

The other plant in a similar planter is the Rosemary. It also seems to have survived early winter, so I rescued it as well.

Today's Quote:

The intersection of the macro universe and the micro universe will create a gate, or a door. Lao Tzu called this “the door to all wonders.” 

This is where yin and yang merge harmoniously. 
This is also called the Middle Way.

—Henry Chang


  1. Nice composition in the smoke one.

  2. ...I have never had the patience to sit and fish!

    1. It may be a lot like meditating...which I do daily. I haven't fished in that method, but have tried to do so in a boat luck however.

  3. The smoky image is lovely. Beautiful composition.

  4. I am much too antsy to fish, especially in the winter.

  5. Beautiful header photo! And I love the quote!

  6. Down by the water looks very peaceful, I like it. Your header is beautiful.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.