Saturday, December 26, 2020

Whoosh, a weather front came through!


Early on Dec. 24 during a wet warm day...good to stay indoors!

Then suddenly it started to snow around 9 pm, and the temperature dropped 20 degrees in 2 hours time! This time the weatherman had it spot on. Cold front coming through with maybe a bit of snow after it arrives.

Temperatures kept on dropping.

We didn't accumulate that much snow as other regions in the mountains. 

With all the pavements slick with ice, I was very glad to take photos from behind the storm doors!

18 degrees F on Christmas morning meant my little violets were shivering.

But though it was icy out, it looked like the pavement of the sidewalk was dry....

But unfortunately no-one was spreading salt today (Christmas day) on my steps...which had been wet before the snow hit them. Not planning to go out until something is done to clear them (including the possibility of my wielding a broom!)

The sun is shining a lot of the time, with some clouds giving more flakes of snow sometimes as well. But I think the sun is winning as far as the ground being covered with white.

The snow on roof tops doesn't seem to have enough sunlight to melt, since it's only up to 22 degrees by noon. That's all I had to do on Christmas day...look out these various windows and doors! Well, there was a coffee cake waiting to bake too! And some other yummy things to feast upon...then the big zoom meet-up with my relations! After sharing the joy of the day with various other bloggers - you know who you are!

Today''s Quote:

It's not that you have no choice.
Rather, the 'chooser' is the fiction.

It's not 'you' who chooses or doesn't choose.
It's life itself.  You are inseparable from life itself.

Undivided from the totality.

A star explodes.  The grass grows.  A mother gives birth.
A war begins, ends, begins.  A relationship breaks down.
People come together, fall apart.  An old wound heals.
Hearts open, close, open.
Like breathing.  Like the ocean tides.

We believe that we have a choice,
or we believe that we don't.

The planets spin.  The rain falls and stops falling.
Did we choose, or were we chosen?

Could it have been any different?
Can the rain fall backwards?
Can we un-say what we have said?
Can we un-read this poem?

Choice, no choice.  Those thoughts fall away too.
Into silence.  Into stillness.
Into the vastness of Being.

Beyond choice or lack of it, you are.

And you take the next step, or you do not.

Or you take the next step
of not knowing which next step
you will take.

And out of the not knowing,
the path becomes clear
if only
for a moment.

And then the Universe
begins again.


  1. Beautiful..seen from the inside!
    There are always plenty of jobs postponed when it is too good to stay in!!

    1. I manage to postpone things I don't wish to do, no matter what the weather is doing!

  2. Similar conditions here in the last thirty six hours.

    1. After today's warmer temps, only snow that's left is in shady spots, I think.

  3. Hello,
    It looks pretty looking out the windows. It is very cold. We only had a passing snow shower, not enough to lay on the ground. The feast and cake sounds yummy. Take care, walking out on the icy steps and pavement. Have a happy weekend.

    1. Pavements seem ok, though my 3 steps were still icy (in the shade). But some visiting kids had moved some of the snow about (probably making little snowballs) so the icy snow remains weren't that bad. I did have my handrails to hold onto with gloves on!

  4. After two days of rain, there is now this morning.

    1. I'm guessing you mean letter "s" sometimes doesn't type either. That's kind of how it went here.

  5. ...things can change in a hurry, we look about the same here this morning.

    1. It will be getting warmer for a while, so say the forecasts...then more rain. Ugh!

  6. Love seeing the snow and frost and ice there. I know it's not easy for walking, but enjoying the view from your windows is pretty grand. Take care there.

    1. I'm glad there was something interesting to look outside to see for at least 24 hours. Now it's back to ho hum grey and brown.

  7. Snow is beautiful from the inside warmth and ice is just plain terrifying! I am pathologically afraid of it whether I'm walking or driving. Your flowers are cheery!

    1. You have a wise attitude toward ice. I've had one skidding accident on snowy ice when living in CT.

  8. Thank you for sharing that poem. Words worth remembering.

    1. I definitely enjoyed it, and saved it to re-post. Wish I'd kept track of where I read it first.

  9. Oh, it got very cold here! B-r-r-r!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.