Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Christmas to all


Earthrise, taken from the moon.

In 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft entered orbit around the moon on Christmas Eve).  Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William Anders became the first humans to orbit a celestial body other than our Earth. Apollo 8 circled the moon 10 times 

William Anders later said that although the astronauts went on their mission to explore the moon, what they really discovered was the planet Earth. He added: “I think it’s important for people to understand they are just going around on one of the smaller grains of sand on one of the spiral arms of this kind of puny galaxy [...] it [Earth] is insignificant, but it’s the only one we’ve got.” Writer's Almanac newsletter 12.24.20

As Winter Solstice/Yule has passed, may we all enjoy more lightness, more joyfulness, and abundant good health!

As we honor the birth of Jesus Christ, may we each hold his message of loving one another in our hearts, and express it towards each of us!

I hope everyone will have a wonderful day full of joy, love, new surprises, and connections with loved ones! I know I will!

Today's Quote:


Magick-workers know that magick is all about influencing probabilities.  Magick can’t make fireballs fly out of your fingers.  What it does is to influence situations which have yet to be fixed in stone so that they are more likely to manifest in a way that you consider favourable to your purpose.  It works by the principle of chaos theory; slight alterations of direction can have huge consequences.  String theory tells us that every decision that is made takes us into one possible reality out of several options.  Magick aims the rocket that will take us there.

Whether or not this happens because we are actually exerting our Wills to change reality, or whether this happens because magick focuses intent and makes us more likely to be make some targeted decisions than others, isn’t relevant.  The effect is relevant.  It’s the moment of choice that matters.

from The Magical Battle of Britain, Dion Fortune


  1. All my very best wishes for a Happy Yuletide Season!

    1. Thanks...and may your holidays be full of love, good health and happiness!

  2. ...let there be light to bright these dark days, Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks glad you stopped by, and I really appreciate looking at your wonderful photos on your blog.

  3. I love that photo of earth. I was just thinking about it last night as we whirled through this galaxy. Merry Christmas, Barbara.

    1. It sure is a great ride, isn't it. Hope you have a safe and merry holiday!

  4. Merry Christmas to you too. We've had our morning cyber visit, and they will drop by later to open family gifts.

    1. Such fun to have our relationships tidied into "cyber visits!!" Mine isn't scheduled till this afternoon, and maybe I'll comb my hair by then!

  5. When I see that iconic picture of Earth, that lonely blue dot, it fills me with sadness that we have trashed it so much and show little inclination to begin to take care of it. I hope that your corner of the Earth will be wonderful in 2021.

    1. working on it...and I am hoping the same for your corner of our blue ball!

  6. All the best for the holidays and the New Year.


    1. And back atcha, more week of this (miserable) year...then hopes things will look brighter in 2021!

  7. I hope your Christmas was as lovely as this post!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.