Friday, October 30, 2020

The next week and a surprise at the Lake


I stood on the footbridge and wondered at the tracks left by machinery on the floor of Lake Tomahawk, on Oct. 27, 2020.

Looking towards the lake from the little foot bridge

Some Facebook friends have mentioned the trees that were cut's beyond them (and me) why they took out these healthy trees.

Several earth movers were parked, since the crew had already gone home.

Looking up the stream from the footbridge

There's steady water going across the lake bottom.

From the dam looking north to the Seven Sisters Mountains...notice the mechanism for turning on or off the drainage valve, on the dock-like wooden structure on the right

This is normally a wet area that drains water over these rocks down a concrete chute beside the dam.

I like this view, looking towards the Blue Ridge Parkway on these distant mountains.

And the workers must not have been able to do much on Thurs, Oct. 29...because Zeta Tropical Storm hit here in the early hours, and was gone by 11 am...leaving trees down and power lines cut, so many residents of Black Mountain were without power for several hours. Mine was only off 1-1/2 hours.

The lake showing the recreation building at noon on Thurs. Oct. 29. The valve draining the lake had been closed. At first I thought the water had gone up to the base of the trees on the left.

There's the little dock with the draining mechanism off the dam, where the photographer was standing. (posted on Facebook.)

And  this shot shows some people walking on the path on the far left, so it must have been above the water line. But the rocks next to that path are not showing.

I will have to go over there again soon and see whether the construction was cleared up before the flood! I am glad the dam held back all this rain-water which came down in our small community so fast. I have friends who live in nice homes below the dam!


  1. I can see that the dam will need to be cleared of accumulated silt..but cutting trees down will cause more flooding that planting more could help prevent...

    1. It's a bit idea what these people are doing!

  2. ...Zeta did a lot of damage, my sister was without power in Georgia.

    1. Our power outage was relatively short...thank heavens!

  3. Hello,

    It is a shame they had to cute down healthy trees. I can only assume they were in the way? The views of the lake and mountains is lovely. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. I think they might have wanted to change something about the bank there, but who knows with the way Zeta came through if they achieved anything.

  4. We actually got rain yesterday from the edge of that storm. This morning we woke to snow on the ground and trees. Not much but the beginning of what's to come - our first winter in NH.

    1. Oh my goodness...when I lived in New England we sometimes had our first snow on Halloween.

  5. So much work there. Really a bummer that they took those healthy trees down. I wonder why. Mmm?

    1. It is a mystery...and so I'll go back over there and keep walking around it (wearing my mask) and maybe find out if something eventually happens.

  6. I love water and blue sky views. I'm not as crazy about cutting down trees unless there's a compelling reason. You must have gotten lots of rain from Zeta!

    1. I'd say so...that little stream carried some of it, and of course the lake is around an acre or two itself.

  7. Replies
    1. And maybe eventually we'll find out what it was...


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