Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween - Samhain!


Thanks to young friends making the scary pumpkin above...

I'm hoping kids of all ages have fun dancing and prancing and getting tricks this year. Wearing masks under masks must be pretty weird.

I just saw a notification on Facebook that there are drive through treats for kids being done at the town offices building in Black Mountain. That's nice, but nobody will see the kids prancing in their costumes. Sad about that.

I've had my hands full this week...with deadlines and rehab, and a kind of distant family member who was hospitalized. Then his wife collapsed after he went home, and she was hospitalized and died within a few days. I am too distant to be given information until time has passed...but in my meditation I was pretty sure she had died. There's the thinness of the veil between our material world and the spirit world at this time of year.

If you grew up in Mexico, or have friends who celebrate Dia de los Muertos, you would know that the spirits of our ancestors and dearly departed may be aware of us as we celebrate their lives. There are many who take flowers to graves on the 2nd of Nov., and sit and have a feast in the honor of those who have passed.

So though I know her friends and family are sad to not have her among us, there is also the sense of her continuation through whatever her beliefs might have been...her soul or spirit travels on.

And here's my favorite costume of the year! Ruth Vader Ginsburg!

Or maybe this image...

Oh, I almost forgot...the Rehab folks had seven dwarfs or something costumes...

Tonya as Fiery (very appropriate!) the head Respiratory Therapist of Pulmonary rehab, David, who was the only nurse around and is wearing little whales on his mask, and Carolyn as Spunky...our rehab physiologist.

A rehab friend had dressed up in fun costume, and had this stilly black cat! It mewed cute for a minute, then it's head spun around crazily as it yowled. We all cracked up!


  1. Hello,

    Happy Halloween! Love the image with the kitten inside the pumpkin! Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Me too, and the photographer was unknown for the pumpkin full of kittens. have a good weekend!

  2. Ruth Vader Ginsburg is a great costume! I enjoy seeing people's creativity, although I'm boring. I wear my Star Trek uniform shirt and that's it. :) Those kitties are adorable!

    1. Oh you're a Trekie too! Good for you. I must be a closet shirts for me.

  3. Oh my, I want kittens in my pumpkin! They are adorable.


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