Thursday, August 13, 2020

Side effects of getting healthier

My brain is still not at 80% of what it was before the heart attack.  I keep messing up my appointment times, and even though I put them on my calendar, and look at it before going to sleep and when I wake up,  I keep entering dates and times wrong a lot. I have a lot of anxiety because of that.

Like my appointment for the eye exam was listed today on the calendar, but it was also listed for next week. And it was supposed to be next week. But since I went there today, they squeezed me in and did a couple of tests.  I passed and don't have to go back for 6 more months. My numbers in the glaucoma pressure test have gone down. Perhaps due to the change in blood pressure medications I'm now on. Whoopee.

I'm doing a lot of tracking. "Tracking" means keeping a food diary, as well as an exercise one, and how supported I feel, and something else that I can't remember! (Maybe something about stress and meditation.) This is to live in a different lifestyle than pre-heart attack. The Ornish program with its fourfold approach is quite sweeping. I'm going to be giving some of my food away that I thought was pretty ok to have. Dry roasted peanuts, peanut butter and jelly, for example. This diet is not only vegetarian but low fat. So those nice 7 grams of fat per serving of pure little peanuts is out.

I can have 9 grams of fat per day. Whew. And I'm beginning to see that this is how I'll be living the rest of my life. If I want to reverse the heart disease which I accumulated by the way I used to live. The answer is yes, and a commitment that is surprisingly hard to start. I'm glad I go twice a week to the program and they help with my struggles for a total of 9 weeks.

Today's Quote:
If grief can be a doorway to love, then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart so we can love it back to wholeness again.


  1. Hello,
    It is good to hear your eye test and results were good. Diets are always hard work and need commitment. I am glad you have help, you can do it. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks for your support. It means a lot to have blog friends who are my cheering section!

  2. ...all that I can say is, keep on keepin' on.

    1. Thanks for your support Tom...and yes, I'm going to keep on doing this.

  3. All the best with the lifestyle changes. It isn't easy to set new patterns, but you do have incentive!

    1. I'm fine until it's time to eat and I just want to heat something easy up. Now I think I need to make menus so that I don't grab things that don't equal a balanced meal when I stand in front of the refrigerator!

  4. Recovery is hard work. Keep it up, you deserve this.

    1. Thanks for your support...I needed to hear that!

  5. It's definitely work to change old habits, but you've got a good goal there... good health! Take care and stay well.

    1. I'm only one in my household, but there are parts of me that scream for ice-cream, or some other equally forbidden fruit. (All fruits are ok, but not avocado! Phoey.)

  6. It's good to have the help you need when changing eating habits. Eventually you'll get used to it and feel better for it.
    Have a lovely evening and keep up the good work.

    1. I got to hear a man speak (via Zoom) the other day who's done this for 2 years (with his wife's help.) I may not have someone to help in the kitchen, but it is good to have the group of experts to answer questions, and you all, my blogging community to cheer me on! Thanks.

  7. Good for you! I now the Ornish program is challenging but You Can Do It!

    1. glad to have your kind words of support!

  8. We have Alexa to help and Sue also uses Siri from her watch.

    Last night Alexa reminded me to close the car before going to bed. It was timed for 75 minutes from when I asked, but I was still busy. So, I had her give the same reminder in another 15 minutes, and that's what I needed.

    1. Oh that's great that you all have figured out reminders. I sometimes will do that so I don't forget to go somewhere on time...setting an alarm to stop me from whatever I've become engrossed in.


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