Friday, August 14, 2020

Looking for inspiration in the laundromat

There's the smell of clean clothes, with overlays of those dryer sheets giving floral stink. I can't stand them, and usually start sneezing if they are too close. Fortunately I'm wearing a mask these days, so it's bearable.

Where is inspiration? Doing the mundane tasks? Or somewhere between the lines, maybe as I drive to or fro one of my many destinations...mainly just missing inspiration in my life these days.

My destinations include a lot more interaction with friends, as well as merchants. I'm learning a new way of shopping for my new life-style which has different vegetarian choices. I think I may break down and make a menu for a week. It's just too much confusion otherwise.

Twice a week I do get an excellent lunch of Ornish recipes at the Cardiac center, which then can be tracked onto forms which I fill out daily. But there are 7 dinners a week, of which I have many left overs from earlier dates.

Tonight I have some brown rice and some asparagus which are already cooked. Then there are 4 summer squash begging to be cooked. And the salad spinach is ready to turn into cooked spinach. Not exactly what a cook book would give me. But I think the 3 vegetables will work well topping a mound of brown rice. I'll probably pour some sauce or another over them all.

Well, I found another leftover - 2 little Gimmie Lean vegetable sausage substitute patties, which I broke up into the rice and then sprinkled a tablespoon of Teriaki sauce on them. The veggie of one squash was steamed with the spinach, and then the leftover asparagus was also heated with them. A vegetable medley is what I'm calling it. A nice pairing of tastes. And there's another serving left of each for tomorrow!

Today's quote (sorry, it's a bit long, but seemed to reflect some of my feelings.)

by Marie Howe
          (after Stephen Hawking)

Do you sometimes want to wake up to the singularity
we once were?
so compact nobody
needed a bed, or food or money — 
nobody hiding in the school bathroom
or home alone
pulling open the drawer
where the pills are kept.
For every atom belonging to me as good
Belongs to you.
There was no   Nature.    No
 them.   No tests
to determine if the elephant
grieves her calf    or if 
the coral reef feels pain.    Trashed
oceans don’t speak English or Farsi or French;
would that we could wake up   to what we were
— when we were ocean    and before that 
to when sky was earth, and animal was energy, and rock was
liquid and stars were space and space was not
at all — nothing
before we came to believe humans were so important
before this awful loneliness.
Can molecules recall it?
what once was?    before anything happened?
No I, no We, no one. No was
No verb      no noun
only a tiny tiny dot brimming with 
is is is is is
All   everything   home. 


  1. would be hard to find inspiration in a laundromat!

    1. well, sometimes it's just the right kind of place, away from one's normal life.

  2. Hello,
    I have problems with various scents from the detergent and the dryer sheets. Your veggie medley sounds tasty.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. Those scents that are supposed to make our clean clothes smell better are just totally chemical to me.

  3. Good to see you rising to the challenge with food!
    I can't stick washday perfumes either..but now with a mask I can walk down the washing powder aisle!

    1. Yay, a good side effect of wearing masks everywhere. I am so glad there are a few. I've found I can stick out my tongue to people if I wish...but seldom feel like it.

  4. I think I would finally get skinny on your diet because very little of it appeals to my tastebuds. Unfortunately. I am not proud if this. It's just the way it is.

    1. Oh you carnivores! So many people are these days! But us vegetarians are taking over the world!

  5. I have been eating mostly vegetarian for more than 50 years. There are wonderful recipes online. We do a lot of stir-frys with lots of veggies and tofu. The variety is all in the flavorings.

    1. I love stir-fry and old standby from when I cooked vegetarian for a few years in the 70s. My youngest son has been vegetarian since 1997.

  6. I can't stand the smell of a laundromat, it has all those perfumy smells. It upsets my stomach and gives me a headache. Thankfully those days are behind me.

    1. Wearing a mask does help. And I sit in my car while waiting for the machines to finish.

  7. I love the poem! And your veggie meal sounds great! We had fresh tomato sauce with eggplant and mushrooms (and one leftover Italian sausage sliced thin) over pasta. Almost vegetarian.

    1. That sounds delicious. You are growing lots of veggies, so they must be front and center in your meals.


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