Monday, August 3, 2020

It' gardenia time

The sweet little gardenia bush has a zillion buds. I pick a few of the early flowers, and share them with friends in the well as have a few around the house.

As I put my nose deep into a blossom, I deeply inhale. And there, a bit of that sweet fragrance. I wish my nose still worked better, but there are moments when I enjoy the smell that has never been used in a perfume (that I know of.)


  1. ...for me the fragrance of the gardenia is TOO heavy.

  2. Hello,

    Beautiful blooms. I love the gardenia scent, it is lovely. Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day, have a happy new week!

  3. Perception and assumptions are interesting. In the wedding pic yesterday, I assumed that each row was for a family bubble, but you didn't. I assumed this because the rows themselves were spaced well apart. There is no way to check who was right, but I'm pretty sure . . . lol

    1. Oh you are so right AC, I tend to think in terms of individuals, famiies or couples, not family bubbles. I like that term, and will try to add it when I think "families."

  4. one of the most beautiful flowers there is. Nice shots. :)

  5. Oh I had forgotten how lovely the fragrance of the gardenia is. Beautiful in every way.


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