Sunday, August 2, 2020

A dog's birthday party

This is Duke. aka The Duke, or John Wayne. 

The guest of honor was Skipper, who just became a teenager.

His owner, Erika, had a great smile for the camera.

This little darling is Molly.

There are at least twice this number of tiny dogs in our apartment complex. They are supposed to go to a dog park area for being dogs...which may happen. But if their owners want to walk them further, they may be going elsewhere throughout the grounds. The little ones tend to announce their presence, which I have almost gotten used to.


  1. Hello, they are all sweet dogs. Cute photos. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  2. That yipping of little dogs is not something that I appreciate.

    1. Hi AC, me too. And the owners are prone to going off and leaving them yapping away. Fortunately not outside these days!

  3. ...I heard yesterday that a dog died of Covid-19, perhaps they should wear masks.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Vicki, He is, but I told him he didn't look much like his namesake.

  5. Nice to see the little doggies there.

  6. Sometimes little dogs want to think they are big. :)


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