Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Morning notes

Waiting for toast, I stretch my hamstrings as I bend over the edge of the counter. The living area and kitchen doors are open to nice cool air...but I don't know how much Sahara Desert dust is still in the air. It rained recently, the porch and sidewalks are all wet still, so I think any dust might have been defused for a while.

I spread my 40% vegetable oil spread on my "light seven grain" toast and wonder what the other 60% is. Then I sprinkle some good tasting nutritional yeast on top...which is my go-to seasoning these days. Ah, having heart disease is changing my diet drastically. I didn't realize how many things I ate that weren't good for me. Today I'm tossing all those saved little tubes and envelopes of condiments. A lot of them have dried up anyway. Goodbye ketchup and sweet and sour sauce.

Today I am fixing the toast early in my morning routine because I took my pills early, and they upset my stomach. Of course I didn't remember that would happen, until it did. I've already made my coffee and took my morning blood pressure. It's nice and low.

I changed the food in the hummingbird feeder first thing, scrubbing it clean of any little dark areas first. I scared one of the wrens when I opened the door to the balcony. She sat there with a worm in her mouth just chirping away at me, while her babies waited inside the little spirit house. I finally closed the door a bit so they could be fed, and waited till she'd gone off to hunt some more before taking down the hummer's feeder. I put it back up without seeing her.

Today (written Monday) I will send the newsletter that I edit off to a proof-reader. I like having someone else eye it and see if there are any mistakes (grammar or punctuation usually.) Since I cut and paste most of the articles, I often miss what an author has written. I need to add a few more photos and then I'll do that.

I've got a pile of paperwork on the table/desk waiting for my attention. That will be my next task. I haven't had the table set for eating in weeks/months. I just push the papers aside and put my plate and mug in the space when I want to eat there. Usually just for drippy foods, otherwise I'll hold it on my lap while watching TV or reading a book on the mini-iPad.

I hope you have a good day, and week. Summer is here and we're still living! It's my ex-husband's 81st birthday. He's doing pretty well!

Here's a link to a good article about a writer, Octavia Butler. I know I don't usually take the time to follow links...but Open Culture is part of my daily news emails. I highly recommend it!


  1. Hello,

    It is good to have a heart healthy diet. I have been changing/cleaning my hummingbird feeders regularly. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It's not easy to switch from what I used to eat regularly...old habits. But each time I skip the unhealthy stuff, I say "that's so I live a bit longer."

  2. sure are doing a good job with your diet, keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, the hardest part for me is preparing all my meals at home. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. But "take-out" still calls to me.

  3. It seems like you are gaining traction.

    1. Slowly but surely...moving one baby step at a time these days.

  4. Your new normal sounds pretty good. And Occtavia Butler is a terrofic writer.

    1. I thought you might know of her. I haven't read her work yet myself.

  5. I refill the hummingbird feeder every three days. They haven't been eating much, so I'm assuming they're getting their nourishment from our flowers. Interesting that you are sprinkling nutritional yeast on your food. We have started doing that too. Yum! Take care there.

    1. When I mentioned that to my cardiology Physician's Assistant, that I was using it instead of salt on baked potatoes, he said he uses nutritional yeast all the time also. I just had it on blue berry pancakes with a bit of spread and butter. I'm using half and half of spread with butter...will eventually not have butter at all, which I'll miss.

  6. I have to stay away from processed foods and salt, not good for the heart. You seem to be doing a lot better, keep up the good work.

    1. You too! I am sadly not always eating what's good for me, nuts yes, but lightly salted no.

  7. Sounds like you're busy. Experts do not agree on the role of salt and fat or even carbs in heart health. As long as you don't eat a lot of processed food or restaurant food, you'll probably be fine. One good thing about this awful virus is that we are rarely eating restaurant food.

  8. Heart disease runs in my family (paternal line) but seems to affect the male line. I still eat a low fat/no fat diet. I feel better that way and low carb is good for me, too. Stay well and safe!


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