Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Lake walkers

I was parked just a half hour at Lake Tomahawk. I decided not to walk around the lake last Saturday because
1) there was the Sahara Dust to deal with as well as Covid-19
2) nobody (NOBODY) was masked

 The pool is closed for the season. I feel sorry for all those families who usually spend the summer splashing around in it.

So I just sat there and took some photos...very poor quality because they were through the windows of the car. Sorry about that.

People were meeting together to walk at the lake, coming in different cars. The playground is clearly taped over so children can't climb on the apparatus. I guess they could dig in the sand if they wished. Unfortunately one of the remaining activities is to chase the geese and ducks.

Today's quote:
Somewhere in every heart there is a discerning voice.  This
voice distrusts the status quo.  It sounds out the falsity in
things and encourages the dissent from the images things
tend to assume.  It underlines the secret crevices where the
surface has become strained.  It advises distance and opens
up a new perspective through which the concealed meaning
 of a situation might emerge... Its intention is to keep the heart
clean and clear.  This voice is an inner whisper not obvious or
known to others outside...  Yet much depends on that small
voice.  The truth of its whisper marks the line between honor
and egoism, kindness and chaos.  In extreme situations,
which have been emptied of all shelter and tenderness,
that small voice whispers from somewhere beyond and
encourages the heart to hold out for dignity, respect, beauty
and love.  That whisper brings forgotten nobility into an arena
where violence has traduced everything.  This faithful voice
can illuminate the dark lands of despair.  It becomes both the
sign and presence of a transcendence that no force or horror
can extinguish.  Each day in the world, in the prisons, hospitals
and killing fields, against all the odds, this still, small voice
continues to echo the beauty of the human being.  In haunted
places this voice carries the light of beauty like a magical
lantern to transform the desolation, to remind us that
regardless of what may be wrenched from us, there is a
dignity and hope that we do not have to lose.  This voice
brings us directly into contact with the inalienable presence
of beauty in the soul.

John O'Donohue


  1. ...people sure are out walking and running here too!

    1. Our area has had few Covid-19 cases, at least as far as I know. But with opening of businesses, it's an invitation to tourists (our economy depends upon them) from outside areas. I figure all those maskless people from Outside have been exposed along the way, if not from home, so our chances have definitely multiplied for a local spread. I'm hunkered down isolating even more.

  2. As soon as I began reading the quote I thought of John O'Donohue, even though I didn't finish the quote and don't read him anyway. Sue has read him and likes him.

    1. Well, I seldom post a long quote...but I couldn't figure out where to cut it down. I'll try to do better!

  3. We take walks without our masks, but there are so few people here we hardly cross paths with anyone. We do see cows in the pastures. We carry our masks with us just in case. Masks on all the time when shopping.

  4. Hello,
    We usually do not see many people on our walks. We usually have our mask ready in any public area. Take care, Enjoy your day!

  5. When we walk, we don't wear our masks, there are very few people we see but when we go in to a store for anything, on goes the mask. Being and staying healthy is not hard. We've been hearing about the US with the virus numbers climbing everyday. People don't like wearing masks because it impedes on their freedom, really that is absolutely dumb thinking. Stay safe and have a lovely evening.

  6. People are so thoughtless and the shutdown has made it worse. But a shutdown is a necessity.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.