Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Remembering an old friend

I had Panther from September, 2012 until June 23, 2018. I loved her free spirit, and her beautiful coat.

I was the care giver of Panther after her previous owner died of cancer, at home, surrounded by friends family and all her cats. There were 3 cats that she cared for, and I offered to take one of them. My friend's daughter asked if I wanted the calico, and of course I said yes.

Panther had been feral, but kept coming to Ramya's house to get fed and hang out with the other kitties. She finally started coming in the house, but left whenever she wanted. I wasn't sure she'd be safe where I lived, going outside...there was a busy road nearby. So I kept her inside with my other calico queen. The other one was established, and Panther was kind of second in command.

After I moved to my tiny apartment, my first calico cat died within a month, and Panther was much happier, again an as indoor cat. We had great times together, except when she would scratch my thinning skin. I had to have her claws clipped often. Then her thyroid gave her trouble, and we worked on medications for a long time, until she couldn't take them any more. It was time for her to go. I was so sad, because I am too old to start with another cat, and I don't want to have to have another one killed kindly by a vet.

Quote to ponder:

Could, he asked again,
walk out into the desert
of himself, let his self go.
the one built by the labor
of lifetimes - this one -
drop away into the ageless
void; and as he asked, he
knew; this is what it comes
to anyway, tonight as he
slept, or tomorrow, as the
result of old age, a natural
death, that waited closer
each day, a wordless chant,
it will all go, all of it,
castles and skyscrapers of
who you are, who you built
yourself to be; it ends at
the end - that's the idea - you
step from here, your
construction, into there,
the body abandoned - and
you saw it was not a despair,
but a ship to be boarded,

From: Being Here


  1. Our current kitty is a 9-year-old rescue from the pound. A big reason we have her is that she is declawed. They don't like to do that anymore.

  2. ...we had a sweet calico years ago.

  3. Always thought Panther was a wonderful kitty name.
    You make me realize once again how fortunate I am that Proge lives with me and considers the 4LEGGERS family members.

  4. Hello, Panther is a cute name, she is pretty. A lovely tribute to your kitty!

  5. I'm sure you miss her And what a perfect poem!

  6. Panther looks like she was a sweet kitty cat. Love that poem. I'm going to add it to my "Saved Gems" list. Thank you for that.

    1. I may have borrowed the quote from another blogger. I'm shameless.

  7. We always had rescued cats and dogs. Now we have neither and sometimes I miss having one. Today is the 11th anniversary of my last dog being put to sleep. Her name was Miki and she was lots of fun, I still miss her.

  8. The ending can be so hard. But they bring such joy. They remain forever in our memory and we miss them at the oddest times. She was a beautiful cat. All the best.



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