Wednesday, June 24, 2020

I did the dishes!

Here I am being all proud of myself...this is one of my most unfavorite chores to do. And as a single person who seldom cooks, there really weren't that many. (No dishwasher in this one bedroom apartment.)

Just what I'm good at doing these days...jamming my finger onto the blade of the blender. A bandaid was all I needed.

And I was back into soapy water and finished those dishes!

So that was the excitement yesterday! I watched the robins who have a nest just too far away to take good photos (OK, I could get out the real camera and put batteries in it, which of course would need to be charged first.)

I refilled the hummingbird feeder. And scared the little wren who apparently is nesting again in the spirit house (right behind the door to the tiny balcony.) I haven't been seeing 2 of them, so maybe she's got eggs and will try doing this batch alone. She stayed away from me while I hung the hummingbird feeder, but the minute I was back inside she flew out of the spirit house.

Today's quote:

As a leader, you have to have the ability to assimilate new information and understand that there might be a different view. -Madeleine Albright, diplomat and author (b. 15 May 1937)


  1. You certainly deserve a pat on the back. :)

    1. Thanks...I'm amazed how early you are sitting there reading and commenting on blogs!

  2. Hello,
    My hubby is the dishwasher in our house, I do the cooking. I have been filling one hummingbird feeder every day, it seems to be emptied quickly. Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead.

    1. Good division of labor at your house. My hummers don't eat quite that fast...I usually only fill it 1/3 full since it's in full sun in the morning, and the heat in the afternoon, and would just love to grow mold. I usually go 4 days between wash and change.

  3. ...I banged up my hand recent and because of the blood thinner that I'm on it took forever yo stop bleeding!

    1. Don't those blood thinners make small dings into disasters!

  4. I do the dishes in our house. Not my favourite chore, but it drives me crazy if I leave them so keep up with them. And we cook a lot!

    1. Excellent to hear. Cooking at home is so much more healthy than the alternative.

  5. I do the dishes at our home. I've cut my finger and am on blood thinners too. Endless bleeding for a small cut.

    1. Yep. So now my cut is almost tried to get infected but I knew how to stop that. And today a dear friend cleaned the rest of the house for me (and I was able to pay her a bit.)

  6. Sometimes even doing the dishes is an adventure!

    1. I'm glad I did them, because Cathy did a deep cleaning on the kitchen afterwards!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.