Monday, May 18, 2020

morning notes

Musings in the morning...
once a week, I gear up right after waking, and combine all my little trash bags around the place into one big one, and smash all the cardboard boxes flat, then take them to the corner of the building where a collecting corral has a bunch of trash bins. There's only one that's bear-proof, which we use for kitchen garbage during the week, but lots that are available to use only on trash pick-up day. This works most of the time.

I was making coffee next...feed the fish...then read my friend's blogs, and comments...both making and just reading what folks say about mine. I'm down to keeping 2, and nobody ever reads the family tree one. It's mainly just a historic storage library about the ancestors.

And this one, I usually have recent photos of things around my life. Plants, animals, and the natural scenes I see. They have become much more limited with less outings in daily doings.

It usually takes an hour - sometimes more - to catch up with everyone I follow. I don't know how many there are now. Lots. And about every week I add another one that made an interesting comment on someone else's blog. I don't know if everyone does that, but as some folks just stop blogging, that's given me some new ones to get to know.

Today has freeze warnings for tonight (it's May 8, Friday). All the plants are cozy inside except the gardenia. It will be given a cover, though it's tucked under the little porch roof also, next to the building.  It's survived several frosts that way.

Today's plans? I don't think I'm going out. I talked with 2 of my buddies yesterday, and texted the other I'll probably just do the texting check-in today. Just do some things around the house, oh, maybe go to laundromat.

So, sipping my coffee, reading other's blogs, I've taken out trash and used the first 45 minutes of my day. I choose to postpone the blogs which are most thoughtful until later, preferring lighter reading first. I used to read comics first, but have given up that 20 minute pursuit for more - what shall we say - realistic communication with real people. And I often get some laughs.

Then there are the rest of the daily things...nebulizer treatments, shower and dress, eat something, take blood pressure, take my pills, brush hair and teeth...this usually takes till noon when I awake around 7-8 am. If I sleep in till 9, lunch is sometimes at 2. Oh well, this is retirement.

Today's Quote:

“The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.”

Casandra Brene' Brown


  1. ...I've seen some frosted plants around because folks rushed to season. Mother Nature knows best!

  2. Hello, your plants are looking great, I hope the Gardenia will be ok. It is amazing how fast time goes just doing are usual routines. Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  3. I must have skipped blog reading for a few days because there were 30 in my Reader this morning.

  4. Nice plants. That's a good quote about the wake-up calls.


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