Thursday, April 16, 2020

Trees in the apartment complex

 There's a disease affecting all dogwoods, slowly. This red blossomed one has lost a portion of it's limbs.

and Thursday with some sunshine...

 Parking under trees in springtime means lots of pollen dust on cars, and the little seedpods too.

The red dogwood is valiantly trying to produce blooms.

And later in the month...

I'm still getting benefit from these simple Qi Gong exercises.  Just thought I'd share them again. I just need to remember that my old muscles take time learning new movements, or I have really sore back and ribs the next day! But that shows it's working!

And a quote for you:

This magnificent refuge is inside you.
Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway...
Be bold.  Be humble.
Put away the incense and forget
the incantations they taught you.
Ask no permission from the authorities.
Close your eyes and follow your breath
to the still place that leads to the
invisible path that leads you

St. Teresa of Avila


  1. ...who is responsible for that pruning job in the first photo?

  2. Hello, I love the dogwoods, it would be a shame to loose them from a disease. Some kind of disease killed our weeping cherry tree. The exercise looks fun! Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  3. I love dogwoods too, hopefully they will recover. I like the quote, very nice indeed!

  4. What a fine sky in most of those dogwood pics.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.