Saturday, April 18, 2020

Group photos of women...

Somehow my photos I'd posted to the blog (older ones from a concert in 2012) disappeared before published. They still show in my edit screen, but the blog shows blank things. So I'll try again.

Below is Sahara Peace Choir. I used to be a member, and loved that the name was chosen to represent two groups, Jewish by Sarah, the mother of Isaac, and Muslim by Hagar, the mother of Ishmael. Linda has written many songs, and adapted many folk songs from many different cultures.

This year there was no concert, though it had been scheduled in March. So I sent a donation to the not-for-profit group that the concert was to have helped. HelpMate offers shelter to women in abusive domestic situations.

Another concert was held on the banks of the French Broad River.

A group of women (and one man) all of whom are middle aged or elders...and they are dressed up, women in long dresses with shawls! I'm matching the theme from Sepia Saturday this week!

The songs at these concerts are beautifully harmonized, focused on springtime, and inspiring for audience as well as singers. The women do dress in "jewel tone" clothing, and I think there are shawls and long skirts among them as well as tee shirts and slacks.

Myself and Annelinde Metzner, director of Sahara Peace Choir

Today's Quote:

"Whenever I touch a flower, I touch the sun and yet I don't get burned. When I touch the flower, I touch a cloud without flying to the sky. When I touch the flower, I touch my consciousness, your consciousness, and the great planet Earth at the same time.

The miracle is possible because of insight into the nature of interbeing. If you really touch one flower deeply, you touch the whole cosmos. The cosmos is neither one nor many. When you touch one, you touch many, and when you touch many, you touch one.."

~Thich Nhat Hanh
Cultivating the Mind of Love


  1. ...this is he year for fond memories and dreams of better times ahead.

    1. Yes indeed. That's how we're staying at all sane all cooped up like chickens.

  2. Hello, lovely ladies. I really like the sepia photo. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

    1. The group sepia photo was the prompt from Sepia Saturday. I faded the colors on the one with Linda and myself.

  3. The sepia photo looks like it belongs in another era, it's stunning!
    Great quote!

    1. The sepia photo from Sepia Saturday does bring back memories of banquets and events where women would wear those long skirts and shawls.

  4. ...the color ones weren't showing when I stopped by earlier.

    1. I gave up, and just loaded some different ones. Don't know where the originals into the web somewhere. Poof.

  5. Lovely post that celebrates friendship. I love the Thich That Hahn quote. His books are wonderful.

    1. The women in the choir are certainly good friends. Yes, that quote is inspirational.

  6. I began singing with choruses and choirs when I was in the third grade and sang with the all school chorus and I've never been without a chorus or choir to sing with since - except right now, of course. Because of having to shelter in place, the group I currently sing with had to cancel their spring concert. Hopefully, we'll do it next spring, but for now members of the group are sending each other YouTube videos of various recorded choral performances to keep us all in the mood.

    1. I watched all the music on the big concert from their homes on Sat. night. The Rolling Stones were so fun. But I also enjoyed all the other performances too!

  7. My mom was a school choral director who also led her church choir -- so these photos resonate with me. Particularly love the riverside concert. Lovely setting.

    1. Yes, singing outdoors is special. But it does depend upon weather often. I remember a couple of concerts when we got a bit wet.

  8. I love the concept of this choir and what they do. Sure would love to hear them too.

    1. Mmm, I don't know if anyone has ever recorded them. And yet, I think it's possible. They end up having 3 parts, alto, middle and soprano.

  9. An excellent and colorful group to match our theme. I'd bet the women in the theme photo knew a song or two.

  10. Great group shot of the choir in action.


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