Sunday, April 26, 2020

Breaking in the sneakers

 The new sneakers arrived and now I have to break them in. Can't walk very far around the parking area...but at least there's a hill to climb, pant pant.

 One of the flame azaleas is blooming.

And I think these are narcissus blooming.

Quote for today:
Having low self-esteem is a common issue - with some introspection you can start to loosen the grip of this negative thought pattern.
Our primary relationship in life is with ourselves. No one else goes through every experience in life with us. We are our one permanent companion, yet we are often our worst critic. To remind ourselves of our magnificence, we can do this exercise: "Five Things I Like About Myself." 

Begin by writing down at least five things that you like about yourself. This is not the time to be modest. If you are having trouble coming up with a total of five items, you know that this exercise can really benefit you. Be sure to include more than your physical attributes on your list, since our bodies are only part of who we are. If you are still struggling with what to include on your list, think of what you like about your favorite people, because these traits are probably qualities that you possess too. Another way to complete your list is to think of five things you don't like about yourself and find something about these traits that you can turn into a positive. 
Madisyn Taylor - Daily Om


  1. ...I hate breaking in shoes!

    1. That's probably why I buy very few. Plus I don't wear them out the way I used to when I was working!

  2. Hello, I always hope to find new shoes that feel good right from the start. I love all the flowers, pretty photos and header. Take care and have a great day. Wishing you a great new week!

    1. I seem to be having about 50/50 luck with buying on line. These are the right sole size, have good padding, and the laces make them somewhat variable. I am keeping this pair.

  3. I've never bought shoes/sneakers online. They do look nice and comfy.

    1. And I haven't had any blisters develop yet. It's almost sandal season too!

  4. I usually have to try them on before buying so I don't shop for them online. They do look comfortable.

    1. If they were leather, or not lace up, I'd definitely put my feet in first. Walking shoes see easier to fit.

  5. I note that your laces match your dogwood. Well done!

  6. o, I see your lilies of the valley are already blooming. They are far from that over here.
    Your sneekers looks like flowers too :)

    1. I was surprised to see they had survived all the super-mulch dumping of the landscape crew here. But wearing a mask I couldn't smell them.


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