Friday, April 24, 2020

A repost of a clip from another blogger - responsibility

You Tube is saying this video can't be found...but if you click the link, I think you'll see the composite clips of our egomaniacal president.

It's about his recorded over many weeks...and he said he takes no responsibility.

I'm certain the parades and closely packed people in Michigan and other states (supposedly wanting to open their lives from quarantine) were fostered by the GOP people who want to get the market going matter how many lives will be lost by the contamination that is starting with that parade. And as this week I read, the Georgia governor wants to get all the unemployed off his budget by sending them back to jobs, as well as the businesses to supposedly pay them instead when the economy is tanked.

It's never been more obvious to me that the white house is representing only a few rich people, and they would gladly see their opponents (politically) die thanks to early opening of our lock-down. Yes, they want people to die. tRump wants Democrats to die. He might not say it, but he does say on a regular basis that "they" are to blame for all his troubles. However, it will be his hordes who will spread this pandemic longer.

And when I read the opinions of the GOP, they are perfectly bamboozled into thinking the Democrats and China are in cahoots as having spread all the "fake news" about the virus anyway. I would feel sorry for them if it weren't a matter of life and death.

Quote for today (not from the above clip)

Friday I tasted life. 
It was a vast morsel.  

A Circus passed the house —- 
still I feel the red in my mind though the drums are out. 

The Lawn is full of south and the odors tangle, 
and I hear to-day for the first time 
the river in the tree.

—Emily Dickinson


  1. It is not a good time to have a manchild as your leader. It never was, but Wow!

    1. I am so aghast at what comes out of his mouth, and then he has the gall to say it was just joking.

  2. ...many, many people with Rs after their names are raving idiots and they want to kill us all so that they can get richer!

    1. Well, I haven't quite reached that opinion, yet.

  3. Hello, our leader is a pathological liar. He can say things while being taped than turn around and say he didn't say it. Last night, he was suggestion people should ingest disinfectant, it may help with the virus. I seriously think the man is insane. Lysol had to make a statement saying, it is a poison if used internally or injected. God help us and our country!

    1. And this evening (Sat) I hear some people actually tried ingesting disinfectant.


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