Thursday, February 13, 2020

The sunny snowy creek again

A big stone may hold heat or it has a last smattering of snow before the sun gets much higher.

 There's actually a ford that this road leads to, a rocky crossing that's shallow where the utility trucks cross Flat Creek. I'm not sure what the little building holds..perhaps electrical equipment.

 The new railing is still fresh enough to look like green lumber. That will change with the weather of course.


  1. Replies
    1. I will probably get tired of looking at it before the big election. But this week our primary with early voting starts. So I've got to decide a few people I want to see in the various local and state and federal government offices to represent my interests.

  2. I don't mind winter, but I am looking forward to when we just have that much snow remaining here. BTW it is snowing right now.

    1. It would be nice to have one big snow...not exactly like you all have, one all winter long. But I kind of doubt it this year, since it's been unusually warm most of the time.

  3. Hello, I agree 100 with your poster! Love the creek and photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. From my blog. I am continually surprised by the details that you notice, such as Bobb's shirt. I am very much a big picture sort of guy and miss much of the fine detail. Bob does live with someone, but she did not attend this function. :)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.