Friday, February 14, 2020

Holding place for peace

What way can I help move our world to peace right now, this minute, wherever I am, and whatever I am doing?

Enlarge that saying/poem, and think about it, please.

If we don't pay attention and learn from history, we may repeat it!

I acknowledge that its my header at this time, but I frequently change that, so this is included again!

I am posting things that speak to me of reasons 40 years ago when I named my son "Peace" (Tai, from the I Ching.)

"Love is the answer." That's really tough to hold in your emotions when you see what hate can and does do...whether in history or these days. Many people have studied the dynamics of hatred, of the spiral of destruction, and become peace makers. This is what they've

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr said:
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
So the exercise of Tonglen (from Yoga) gives me the opportunity to work on that impossible-sounding approach to the most hateful situations and people. I must start, of course, with approaching the aspects of life closest to myself and explore my own hateful feelings and see how to transform them to love. After all, we can't change other people's feelings, only our own...look at that good old 12 Step Program prayer..."to change the things I can."

But assuming that I've practiced this for a long time, I can then move my thoughts to larger areas where hatred and fear is predominate. And eventually I will wish nothing but good outcomes, peacefulness and love for all the world, and all the sad and mistaken politicians full of their own hateful narrow minded attitudes. Yep, I hope eventually to see them with love and forgiveness. (Believe me, this will take a while, maybe not even this lifetime!) 

In the meantime, I envision them in cocoons of silken threads that envelope their actions and hold them in a room of mirrors where their energy just goes right back into them. Is that too much to wish for? Well, it's a step on the path.


  1. Hello, I would never have believed that we could end up with a president who promotes hate, he is a pathological liar and a bully. But, then so are most of the Senate, McConnell decides what gets voted on and right now he is not allowing anything come to a vote. God help our country!

    1. I have disagreed with the stands of many politicians, but these days there is blatant hatred evident in so many places, it's scary!

  2. I guess all you can do is your little bit.

    1. And when people I know are being "activists" and getting arrested, I simply am satisfied that I'm sharing my ideas here from my computer, and that's all I can do these days.

  3. He is a monster. And he's brought out the worst in his supporters.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.