Saturday, January 18, 2020

Women's March 2020 Black Mountain NC

Jan 18 was the gathering and march for women's issues...expanding all the things that run through from ERA to LGBTQ, reproductive rights, climate change...all that are on the table these days.

 Where is everyone? They are down the street to the right in Town Square (invisible) in this panorama taken from the steps of the Center for the Arts.
 I got there and sat in the cold for a while, with a Dripolater coffee of course.

So I eventually walked down to the crowd on the square.

 My friend Diane enjoyed listening to speeches, and said the sound system was much better this year!

I walked through the crowd while young girls gave excellent speeches but it was pretty cold, so I didn't wait for the march to start.

My friend Suzanne (center bottom of shot) was one of the faces I recognized...and just look at all the "pussy hats."

Some costumes to promote the LGBTQ community (or maybe some more theatrical group, I was happy to catch their photo!)
 One of the last speakers...then there was drumming and a brass band... but still the focus was on the "stage area" rather than going to the street...time for me to leave.
 The "counter-march" of pro-life demonstrators was outside the square. Because they appeared, the organized marchers (with permits) had to hire extra support teams to ensure keeping the peace.

 Some of the peace keepers, and a photographer.

 My panoramic shot of the crowd...

One of several girl scout cookie sales were set up on the march route.

 Still no march...

 By now the air was total wetness...a cloud just sat down on the town.

 Still no march coming...though small groups came by to have coffee or lunch.

I actually went to the clay studio around 12, got ready to throw some mugs, then put my coat and hat back on and went back to State Street, and the march still hadn't started and it was after 12:30 already, and though rain was not falling, we were enveloped in a cloud, thus all surfaces were wet.

I can't wait to see better pictures of the actual march. Sorry I missed seeing it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.