Sunday, January 19, 2020

Morning musings...

Up I am at dawn again. And grateful for this day...and as I swung my feet to the floor, I noticed that there is a speck of sunlight hitting the highest peak across the valley.

I smiled and said to meself, "The dark times are past."  Meaning of course, that there are now 10 hours of daylight each day, which is much improved from the solstice on Dec. 21.

Fixed coffee, gathered the trash baskets for a meeting in the kitchen by the door, toasted half a bagel, put away a few dishes, turned on the oven to low heat, (left the door cloed) then the stove exhaust fan which will blow the heat back down (I think) to where I live rather than letting it sit on the ceiling while my knees are cold.  I do the same thing with the wall heater in living/dining room...with constant fan to move the hot air to my comfort zone.  It was 33 outside at 8:00 when I first looked on my WunderGround app.

Witch Hollow Farm, Boxwood MA, home of Job Tyler (ancestor)

DAR unveiling of Spencer Clack memorial Sevierville, TN (Ancestor)   

I have put on sweater and slippers...and plan to have a bit more covering when I take the trash out in a few minutes. Our apartments have trash picked up once a week, and recycles picked up every other week. But because bears are attracted to the trash with food items, we have to take that kind of trash out the morning of pick up. They usually come around 9:30-10:30...and 2 men on the truck pick up the trash bins and dump them in the back of the garbage truck. We have a corral of about 7 trash bins and maybe 4 places where the recycling stuff is piled. It's really a mess. But at least no bears.

I sip my first cuppa coffee (with a fresh brewed pot) and munch my bagel while reading emails and updating my blog publication for today (this was Friday).  I have to put it by hand to another blog to link it for Sepia Saturday.  I wonder if all those people who do "link ups" on various themes each day actually have to do the URL by hand after it comes up. I don't know any other way, to get the individual URL for that day's publication rather than the general one for the whole blog. Somewhat cumbersome, and I keep seeing fewer blogs every day. But I do enjoy a few folks who frequently comment on mine. So I'll keep bogging for now.

I just threw in a couple of pictures because nobody reads a blog without them, do they? I'm doing my nebulizer treatment as I type this...twice a day inhaling my 2 types of help clear my lungs. Joy joy joy. Cough cough cough (it helps me cough, really, that's what they say.)

See you in the funnies.


  1. I love pictures that come to me when I read sentences in a way that they weren't intended. I am picturing trash baskets having a "meeting in the kitchen by the door."

    1. Ha ha ha...that's exactly how they look. My guess is that there is a weekly meeting of trash baskets in many a household!

  2. I liked reading about your morning routine there. I am surprised that putting the trash out takes into consideration the local bears. Wildlife persists, and I am so grateful for it.

  3. Here it's raccoons that are the reason we don't put the trash out until the morning it's collected.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.