Friday, June 21, 2019

Dawn's early light

Though the earth had rotated toward the sun here at Stonehenge 5 hours before the sky outside my window had the same pearly cast, I knew this was a day I wanted to be up at sunrise. (Well, ok, I did close my eyes a bit longer, but kept being so thrilled to see the new light coming over the ridge.)

I thought of my friends who have a good sunrise view, and that they would be taking photos probably.  Can't wait to see them on FB or blogs! My scurrying clouds that turned pink with promise were along the ridgetops across the Swannanoa Valley. And the trees were bending down as if bowing to the beauty. Seriously the branches would bend down, showing the undersides of the maple leaves which are a bit greyer than the topsides...and then more would bend and then more - a dance was being performed just for my pleasure.

So today's intention is to be outside as much as I can.  Of course this 66 degrees will rise through the day...but if the mountain breezes continue, I'll gladly be sharing their air.  I do have a volunteer position at the Red House Gallery this afternoon...greeting visitors and working sales.

I hope this Summer Solstice, Litha, brings you such joy as I feel this morning.


  1. Happy Summer Solstice to you!

  2. Well I completely overslept the time for the Solstice here: 9:54am. I was just wiped out. I'm usually up much earlier, but never at dawn :) LOLOLOL My days of seeing the sun rise are over I'm afraid... But I do hope to spend some time outside today, breathing in renewed energy...


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.