Monday, June 24, 2019

Activists are ready and waiting for their next effort of action.

We may be thinking alike, but not coming together yet to make a difference.

What we do as individuals is such a drop in the proverbial bucket...though it keeps us conscious of the important things that need changing.  We should not stop all our environmental efforts, nor avoid addressing the abuses we see around us, nor be un-conscious of our own priviledged status (whether regarding gender issues, racism, social class differences, geographical differences or even education levels.)

 UUCSV Choir singing "Ring Like a Bell." We also sang "We Shall Overcome" and "This Little Light of Mine." And "We are Dancing Sarah's Circle."

Pana Columbus talking with members following her service.

Sunday I listened with pleasure to another talk by Pana Columbus, and now have her latest book to read (autographed of course.)  She and others who are posting blogs here, as well as many other activist speakers, are reminding us that more is to come.  CHANGE takes work.

And she also gave us kudos for what we already are well as the all important praise that we take care of our own selves with celebration and not isolation. Her web page is

I'm also reminded of dear friend Byron Ballard's suggestion that we choose just three things to focus our energies upon.  It can keep us from being scattered about with so much that is wrong in the world today, and dissipating our energies throughout the spectrum of problems...and let's us feel a bit more effective as well.  And as she often reminds us, "We are made for these times."

And as Pana reminded us in her latest song "It's Time."

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I like the idea of choosing three things to stay focused on, and to take action. These are such difficult times, we need to stay focused and ready.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.