Saturday, October 6, 2018

Saturday loving the early morning

I love the cool of morning, because it's going to be in the 80s again this afternoon.  I've decided if it's still summer, I'll get myself out of bed early and do outside things early. Then I'll do inside things (air conditioned) in the afternoon!

So I walked the lake at 8 am.

A pair of not-pure-breed mallards were rudely chased out of the water by a kayaker...and there were some young mallards on the path, all of which deferred to me. Well not the kayaker.

Then I ran by the Tailgate which opened at 9, visited my friends and bought some local apples...and a breakfast sandwich.

And then ran to Ingles and picked up a few staples, canned soups on sale, and coffee, and chocolate.

Then home and finally did my breathing treatment around 11.

The studio opens at 12, and I'll have eaten my yogurt with almonds and checked emails by then.  I woke up thinking of the studio tasks I have today...which is a good thing.  Some days I've just walked in the door without a clue as to what to do.

I've started making angels.  But they seem to be cat angels this year.  Maybe some regular ones will come about today.  Or maybe some dog angels.  Well, why not?  And maybe the figure of Gaia's daughter will be ready to stain.  I've given up on glazing figures...they have more failures in the glaze phase (sorry about rhyme that just came out).

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday.

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