Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Busy Hump Day

I love Jesica's dahlias...which she grows in her garden...about 60-70 plants, all in boom right now.

She's also the administrator at the Black Mountain Center for the Arts.  YAY.

Anyway, being a check-in moment, I've got about 10 minutes before my favorite (and hate to miss) TV show, Jeopardy.

Today started out with a short financial activity (pay the rent), then cart some different pots to Joe's hair salon (Cutting Crew behind the Dripolator) and then shift the ones that had been on his display to the Center for the Arts office...and pack up the ones that had been there all summer.

Then lunch with friends at the Council on Aging lunch site, then quickly drop into the studio (when it wasn't open but I've got a key) and pull 2 handles for the 2 big bowl-mugs that I threw yesterday...and check that they will be ready to trim when the studio does open at 6 pm.

At 1:30 I checked in with the Swannanoa History Museum where I donned my name tag as a docent. Didn't have many visitors, but they were interesting people.  One couple said she used to visit her great grandmother in Black Mountain, and wanted to figure out where she had lived.  I let the director help her.  Another woman said she was a sculptor, and come to find out we both went to the U. of Florida about 50 years ago...not at the same time.  She was really interested in the Black Mountain College exhibit, and after she looked at it we talked a bit about making art, and the philosophy of art that is taught in schools.

In the midst of all my day, there was this gross text message that appeared on all electronic media simultaneously from the President.  Yes that one.  Nothing important.  Just scared the b-jesus out of everyone.

Now I've finished the bowls and a plate in the studio,after dinner in the car...and have 1 minute to go.  See ya later!

PS, the sales in the Center for the Arts give half the proceeds to support BMCA.

PPS...during a commercial which I mute always, I heard Canada Geese flying over.  That reminded me that I saw 5 monarch butterflies while driving around between places in Black Mountain today.  Nature is wonderful, if surprising.

I am always on my nebulizer for a breathing treatment twice a day, which are times I either blog or Facebook socialize.  It's better than playing solitaire.  Or looking at my ancestors. I do that while there's nothing happening at the museum, and today I added details to many of my aunts, uncles and cousins.  Whew, nothing earth shattering, but some more children of cousins are now on my tree.


  1. Hi Barbara..I have a question. I heard there are Mandrian ducks that come to the lake there and in Montreal. Do they still come and how would I ever find them to photograph? I am still hoping for a day trip to do some photography.

  2. I last saw them at the lake in Montreat (Lake Susan)...and they stayed in the middle of the lake as I walked all the way around. If you've got a zoom lens you might capture them. I don't walk Lake Tomahawk every day, and so I don't know if they still land there...they used to like it before the trees and bushes were cut off on the dam. That's all I know.

  3. Thanks..I do have a zoom lens.Just need to find time to come that way. I will be the 18th as I go to Monteagle TN for a dollhouse/miniature weekend. I think grabbing a son or grandchild will be in order.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.