Friday, November 14, 2014


For this week's Sepia Saturday, HERE.

A photo prompt with a gentleman carrying a lady across a shallow but wide stretch of water.

Mmm.  Gallantry.
Dictionary- meaning number 2 (the first one has to do with fighting) is "polite attention or respect given by men to women. "

  1. Going across water.
  1. Lady keeps her feet dry.
  1. Man gets his feet wet.
  1. Man carries lady, getting to hold her close!
  1. Man saves lady from unknown dangers, thus proves himself gallant, even in the other meaning of the word. 
  3. (Did you notice a problem with my numbering system there?  Funny about that! I have no patience with a program that causes more problems than it solves.)

Well, this photo has 2 out of 5 of the qualities of the prompt photo.

Crossing water.

Lady has dry feet, and those little tiny heels must have been fun on those thin planks of wood!

But the lady was going first across the bridge of unknown dangers...thus the gallantry of my father is in question.  However he also is not hanging on, thus his intelligence is also in question.

And his feet stayed dry also, which is good, because he probably polished those white shoes that morning.

And he didn't get to have a good hug of her by carrying her across, which I'm actually glad he didn't attempt or I probably wouldn't be here today, as they would have broken both their necks as they fell into the weedy San Antonio River.


  1. A positively charming photo, And such a happy photo too.

  2. A perfect choice and that's quite a feat of engineering! Definitely not up to code in NC but perhaps it's okay in TX. That view from the golf course is beautiful too. Much more dramatic than in downtown Asheville.

  3. I've walked on a hanging bridge before, but it was much more secure-looking & had solid 'flooring'. Even then, I was very glad to get across it & very very glad we didn't have to go back that way!

  4. Goodness. I wouldn't know where to start if I had to make a bridge.
    It's a delightful photo - they're obviously happy.

  5. Such a great photograph to match the theme. But that bridge looks so precarious, I would need a strong, gallant man by my side.

  6. A hand-made bridge -- YIKES! They must have seen others cross it safely.

  7. She may be smiling, but she's gonna hold on for dear life! Great photo. Of course he's so brave, look no hands!

  8. I wonder whether they actually crossed the bridge or just stood on it for the photo.

  9. Thanks y'all...sorry I'm not answering each of your comments, but I am reading them and really glad to hear from you! Mike, I agree the Black Mountain Golf Course has a great view of the Blue Ridge mountains. I'm so lucky to see it often.

  10. I make a beeline for that golf course and give the bridge a miss.

  11. Hmm thought I commented but didn't get a Moment please on the notification so again...that suspension bridge makes me shiver looking at this photo all these years later. Veryy powerful....I would not venture onto it, they were younger and certainly braver..

  12. Oh dear, that handmade bridge doesn’t look very safe. Full marks for bravery from both of them; you wouldn’t get me on there!

  13. Your dad was just being polite and obeying the rule of ladies before gentlemen.
    Such a lovely photo, thank you for sharing it. Barbara

  14. I think your Dad is standing side on and pretending to look nonchalant but in fact he is holding on. You can see his right arm on the railing there as well as hers.

  15. Oh are so right! I didn't notice that his other arm was extended to the rail at all!

  16. This is a great old photo. The two of them were very brave to go that.

  17. I wonder if they went all the way across or if they just posed for the photo at the beginning? I'm sure I would have at least taken my shoes off if I were crossing, which given my reaction looking at the photo, I doubt would every happen.

  18. That is one heck of a bridge! The only suspension bridge I've ever been on is one on Tom Sawyers Island in Disneyland. As I kid I loved getting out in the middle and jumping up and down. Should I go on there now and see kid doing the same I'd like to think I'd say, "Go for it kid!"

  19. Oh my! In those heels it would have been "fun"..bare feet would have been better. I'm always surprised to see people doing this sort of activity when they're so dressed up.

  20. That's a thought, Pauleen. But I wonder where my mother would have taken off her silk stockings in order to be barefoot (remember it was 1936 or so)!


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