Friday, November 14, 2014

Chilly here

When my son in Indiana called the other day, and asked if it was cold here yet, I gleefully said it was not. It was 60 on Tuesday, so I walked around Lake Tomahawk.

Yesterday I did it again.

NOT today, because that good old arctic air has arrived, and 30 degrees F is our high today, with gusty winds.

The sun is shining however, melting some of the frost on distant mountain peak tree limbs...but there are some which are still white with hoarfrost.  Clouds of moisture flow through the branches and freeze on them, leaving them to glisten until it gets over freezing.

I brought home some clay work to delve into in my sunny living room the heater also.  So my fingers will hopefully stay warm while making sculptures in clay.  My little studio is much too cold to throw on the wheel, but that's ok...I've got plenty of pots that are finished and waiting to glaze at the studio downtown (Black Mountain Center for the Arts.)  (Check out their blog HERE.)

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