Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The fun times at the Tailgate Market in Black Mountain

 Some fun is experienced by watching the people, the dogs, the kids, the extravagant outfits people show up wearing. And then there's also fun purchasing just the best fresh produce around! Or maybe a plant, or jewelry, or baked goods, or pottery!

I sold this platter to a friend (well almost gave it to her!) last Saturday. She's one of those people who walks this earth just doing good things.  The image is some kind of wind and moon interaction that I thought up in 2014. My friend may give it to her daughter, as she has other pieces of my pottery. She also bought a pot from the other Mud Buddy, Amelia Packer.

Then the love sign holders came through the market!

They are noted to stand out on the corner of our busiest intersection every Wednesday afternoon at 5 pm waving and sending love to all who drive by.

I decided to purchase some pretty flowers for my home from local grower "Urban Farm Girl."

While the local Ukulele band gathered to share a couple of songs!

See what I mean about colorful outfits? I didn't have permission to post Michelle's photo, but I don't think he'd mind his outfit without his face!

A satisfying day for me...I did much better at being there more hours.  And I arranged my flowers back home while talking on the phone with one of my sons. That always makes me feel good.

With the storm remains coming in the next few days, I'm not sure I'll go to the market this Saturday...we shall wait and see!

Today's quote:

Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
 -Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer and orator (1833-1899)


  1. Hello,
    The market visit is a fun time. I like the flowers and your colorful outfit. Take care, have a great day!

    1. It can definitely be a fun time. It's somewhat geared to food, but there are at least a third of the vendors selling other stuff.

  2.'s great to see so many hippies at the market.

    1. They know about good eating and supporting local farms! And then there are some that just like to show off to their neighbors!

  3. Your market looks to be such a positive place, especially with the love signs and ukulele band.

    1. The two visiting groups were unusual, but very welcome.

  4. Love signs and flowers and ukeleles! What a fine market!

  5. It was delightful attending with you! I'm going to have to go dig out my tie-dye shirt and wear it today in your honor. A beautiful plate as well. Thanks for sharing

    1. So happy to hear tie-dye is alive and well in Hawaii. I have just the one at this time, and may have gone through a half dozen in my lifetime! Glad you liked the plate and the market!

  6. Good to read you're getting out and about. I thought your friend in the wild shirt was a paper cutout!

  7. Looks like a vibrant market with fun spread around. Your flowers are very pretty, have a great day.

  8. That looks fun and colourful. I love wholesome events like that.

  9. This is a heart warming post! What a wonderful time. I so enjoyed it.


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