Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My simple life

Cool night last night, and the high is supposed to only be mid 70's today! Wheeeee! Fall weather finally. 

You'd better believe my windows are open! 

Today's plan is to do a bit of the exercise program, eat lunch at the Lakeview Center, and maybe tackle the laundry which I didn't feel like doing last week. That's the plan anyway!  Scratch that already. I have an 8 o'clock appointment with my PA about my tear ducts...there's a white fluid in them. I have dry eyes and use different kinds of drops to help. Maybe infection? Maybe what? Will let you know! 

Oh it's also my youngest son's birthday. I'm not as close physically/geographically as I'd like...he lives out west in Colorado, and here I am in North Carolina. But we are definitely close psychologically. We can talk to each other and just pick up wherever we were weeks ago, and he still calls with some of his problems. Not for me to solve, but just to listen, which is a richness I didn't expect to receive.

This little volunteer is the only flower blooming in the area by the stairs at the Lakeview Center. I am not a fan of the various green textures that the beautification committee put into the tiered gardens nearby. More on that later.

I finally drove by these houses on Connoly St., several of which had been in the garden tour this summer. So they might be past their prime. But I still enjoy that they have such well defined flower beds.

Turning onto Dougherty St. I saw this stately home. This is what I imagine nineteenth century southern homes to look like.

Continuing down the  street, there's this interesting more modern home which is being renovated. The center portion used to have a patio open to the air, and it looks like that's being enclosed now.  It will be interesting to see how it progresses (you know me by now, watching construction crews!)


Tallahassee Memorial Hospital where my son was born in 1979. Maybe they'll put up a plaque!

Today's quote:

There are always moments when one feels empty, estranged and afraid.
You are detaching, the old is over and the new has not yet come. The soul has cast its moorings and is sailing for distant places.
Remember the instruction: whatever you come across
- go beyond.

Nisargadatta Maharaj


  1. Hello,
    We opened our windows too, it felt really nice outside. Happy birthday to your son.
    I liked all the houses! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks Eileen, it's really a beginning of Fall! Whoopee!

  2. ...the first two Arts and Craft houses are sweet.

    1. They are, being next door to each other as well. Several others in the neighborhood.

  3. At the Dr office this morning I found what I suspected. The tear ducts are ok and white stuff is from one of my eye drops. Good feedback on use of eye drops to help with eye irritation when I neulize. More to discuss w pulmonologist!

  4. I also have dry eye but haven't run into discoloration. I see from the above comment, that it was nothing,

    1. Yep. A nice chat about various things, coming home at 8:30 feeling much better.

  5. I never liked eye drops, it was the anticipation and not blinking that I always found challenging. I like the simple life.

    1. There is the sense of forever while squeezing the tiny bottle and holding one's eye open wide...I sure understand!

  6. It's been lovely weather. That said, I do have to work on the fish tank.
    I hope you get your eyes sorted out.
    My son in Vancouver seems to phone monthly. He is so busy, and the time difference is terrible for us.

    1. Yes, that's also the case between Colorado and North Carolina...but not as much as your spread! Good luck on fish tank!

  7. Hi Barbara, Nice weather here on the other side of the Smokies too! Attractive couple of older homes in your photos. My eyes always have crud accumulating in the corners...The Ophthalmologist said that its not excessive fluid but rather the result of having dry eyes. Other than wiping my eyes frequently, I've just left it alone. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Oh I wish I had that happen. My eyes just feel like sandpaper most of the day. But the P.A. said they looked moist. She was sitting on the other side of the room, though! I used to have a bunch of tears water my eyes a while after I woke up. Hasn't been happening lately. So I'll use the little drops.

  8. As I write this, it's cold and blustery. I wore pants and a hoodie for the first time in months.


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