Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Giant sunflowers and more


Driving near the BM Tailgate Market on Saturday, I loved seeing these giant sunflowers. I dropped off my pottery at the Mud Buddies booth and my friend Amelia sold one of my bowls. I gave her daughter another one. So I came home just a bit lighter, which is my goal after all.

Then driving through town on State Street, I noticed the fountain with bear statue had succumbed to a machine digging there. This is the area called Town Square.

Yes I was driving slowly forward from having stopped at the red light, so these are tipsy.

Lots of changes going on in Black Mountain NC!


Did I mention that Saturday morning we'd been visited by a bear...who got garbage out of the bear proof bin. A toggle system on one corner had somehow been breached. That's my car with the red plate on the front. I just love walking on sidewalks that I share with bears...she said never!

I told you about the young one under my next door neighbor's porch, seen by someone walking on a sidewalk not 6 feet from it as it woke up and sauntered around the building. That porch is just 10 feet from mine, and mine has more space under it. I stayed in my apartment all the next day. Would that bear want to sleep there again sometime? Another garbage can was breached in another corral up the hill the next night. Who me, anxious? You bet!

Not my photo, from the net.


A fun map of important people whose lives coincided, though most never met each other. From Open Culture "The Big Map of Who lived When."


Sharing with Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday!

Today's quote:

Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.

 -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet, dramatist, novelist, and philosopher (1749-1832)


  1. ...human lazzines attracts bears!

    1. Ignorance also plays a part. Newcomers, visitors, and those who don't read the long lists of rules about this place...then a big black guy with awful claws is hungry and once fed, will return of course.

  2. It almost seems that bears are allowed there, which I find unbearable.

    1. Actually in the next town over (Swannanoa) 4 bears were euthanized for breaking into a home by its window and going inside. Poor things, but there must have been poor people's habits of leaving food trash around also. I make sure no food trash is in my car, because a big bear could easily make it's way through the doors/windows if it was hungry enough.

  3. Bears by the house, or under.... oh, boy!!!

  4. I know we have bears in our vicinity--our birdfeeder has been attacked several times--but we never see them.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.