Wednesday, August 7, 2024


The best  sign of all, which designated 11 parking places for seniors...hope somebody would enforce it, but of course tickets won't be coming for swimming families who park there. It's a gesture at least. I can't walk all the way from the tennis court parking lot in the hot noontime sun. So if I can't find parking, I'll just have to go home. I try to arrive early for the 2 exercises classes that start at 11.

Some days a friend gives me a ride, and she lets me out where I can walk to the Lakeview Center where lunch is offered to seniors. She then goes to the farther parking lot and doesn't mind walking that distance. She's just 62 years young!

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(well, maybe not so much that last one...I am an "avoid-annoying-humans" kind of dragon!)

I had to ask my granddaughter, pictured here, just who that guy was on the door. Apparently she had a favorite ice cream place from when she lived in Connecticut, and upon visiting it this summer found it wasn't open. The guy pictured is the owner and namesake of the place  (Simsbury CT)

This sign is outside the White Horse entertainment venue which also serves drinks. At the time it advertised the first annual Black Mountain Blues Festival, which it co-sponsored. I haven't heard any reports as to the success as measured by the businesses. I don't usually go places in the evening, so have missed a lot of the entertainment available here. I do remember several years ago that the White Horse wasn't airconditioned or heated, so one had to dress accordingly, though a big garage style door would be open to the fresh air outside often.

A lovely restaurant has now changed hands. I need to go see what the new menu and interior are like now that there have been changes! The original Thai Basil apparently moved to Marion NC (about 50 miles away.)

This is our local Thrift Shop in Black Mountain. Sure there's a Goodwill down the road, but they are national and have all those administrators. Kiwanis is volunteer run. (There may be some board in charge, but it's a non-profit which donates to other non-profits, win-win.)

Today's quote:

That moment of inward breath, that pause and awareness of “how beautiful this is” is a prayer of appreciation, a moment of gratitude in which I behold beauty and am one with it.


Sharing with Tom the backroads Traveler -  Signs2


  1. Great collection!
    What a pain that parking issue. Sorry to read it.

    1. So far people seem to be working out all the difficulties, some are parking illegally on the grass, being determined to visit playground or pool or Senior Center. We tried to park in a spot that we were told was reserved for the manager of the pool. Geese. If he's not there half the time... Anyway, that's my feelings on parking.

  2. ...Barbara, you saw some great signs, I can relate to "avoid-annoying-humans!" Parking can be a challenge.

    1. Thanks for stopping by...sometimes parking brings out the dragon in oneself!

  3. Hi Barbara, I guess we are more like the flame spewing dragon types. When it comes to reserved parking...seniors or's "Katy Bar the Door" for violators... In our area, the Good Neighbors Store is our volunteer run thrift store...and it is very well managed with items displayed and merchandised well. Lots of monies going to local charities. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Greata to hear about your local thrift store! I'm sorry, the "Katy Bar the Door" phrase, didn't mean anything to me. But I sure can understand many road rage drivers are letting their dragon energy out!

  4. Great signs, I love the dragon and know a few people that would like a personal flame thrower. :)

  5. Interesting signs.

  6. I used to be a flame-thrower in my younger days, now I just smoulder in a threatening manner.


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