Thursday, August 15, 2024

One of my daily feeds sent me this (plus a follow-up)

 R. Buckminster Fuller...his Dymaxion Map of the world.

This map finally gives  correct  sizes and relationships of the continents to each other.

The Open Culture article shows this and other maps, but I always love to hear about the descriptions that haven't changed through the years.

"Buckminster Fuller, who in 1943 applied his Dymaxion trademark to the map you see above, which will likely remind you of his most recognizable invention, the Geodesic Dome, “house of the future.”



And to continue about Schools and Climate Change -  I saw an article about 9:30 Tues. morning about NC schools getting energy efficient funds from the federal government.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm traveled to North Carolina this week. In a stop at Reidsville Senior High School in Rockingham County, Granholm announced awards of the Renew America's Schools grant and touted the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed during President Joe Biden's administration. Biden's appointees have made frequent stops to North Carolina this campaign season.

So it's folded into a campaign issue, in order to be covered by the news. I imagine the teachers and staff pulled away from their work to sit with the presentation weren't all smiling. But the money is real (though really a drop in the bucket of their needs.) It does help improve energy efficiency in schools in rural areas where the tax base can't afford to upgrade them. 

It's funny how getting their votes looks like the push behind that help, but the help was part of Biden's Infrastructure Help.

Yep politics!


Some folks might wonder how my health is doing. So a quicky update on that:

Lost a few days, where felt miserable, just hung out, listened to audio books, and coughed till my sides hurt so bad. Then one day I woke up and didn't cough so much. It was time to get back into Barbara's life, starting with simply going to lunch, then doing some laundry. I wish whenever I'm sick folks would offer to do a load, rather than offer to bring me something like chicken soup. Oh well. That's the breaks. Maybe I'll try to remember to make that kind of offer when I have a sick friend...


Today's quote:

If we really want to be full and generous in spirit, we have no choice but to trust at some level.



  1. It would be nice to have a helping hand while you are sick, I am thankful for my hubby who does my wash. I am glad you are back to doing your normal things, lunch with friends is a good time. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. The senior lunch program at the Lakeview Center is fabulous. They are in jeopardy of loosing some funding, so all who enjoy the good food are writing cards of support. I'm finally doing 2 loads right now. And reminding myself to bend from the knees when lifting (since my back is still needed to make the bed later.)

  2. ...I hope that you will be feeling better soon.

  3. Good ole Bucky and bad ole health. I heard Bucky once when I was in uni. All I really remember was his opinion that forgetting is a good thing, for forgetting particulars helps us to form generalities. At least that is what I think he said in his own way. Could be misremembering though. I hope your health soon improves more than it has.

    1. He always encouraged inventiveness, much as Einstein did. If it worked for you, and you've come up with something new and different, that's great! I'm determined to get back to the shape I was in when I traveled in May and had physical therapy twice a week. So each day is a step in that direction.

  4. You are right about friends helping- when I had pneumonia my friends came over, cleaned the house, picked up the kids from school, Did the grocery shopping and brought over matzo ball soup.Grateful!!!

    1. Yes friends are often willing to do whatever we ask, and I always hesitate to ask. So great that you had help when you were sick.

  5. So glad to hear you're feeling better!

    1. Yes, a step towards being able again to do what I wish. There's a list...

  6. More freedom as you get better. I hate being under the weather.

  7. Always a thoughtful and warm visit. Hope you feel better very soon! I like to believe that pres Biden and many other politicians are really motivated by doing right. I am so it's not hard for me to believe. The bipartisan infrastructure act is finally bringing our country up to code again! It is voting time, so folks need to see the progress. It's always been that way. Thanks for listening. Incidentally, 55 years ago today I will go up at Woodstock when Yasgar's Farm to the biggest group of people I'd ever seen in my life what an experience exclamation point i still have my ticket and have shown it today on my social media. Remember feel better now!

  8. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Please continue to take care of yourself.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.