Monday, August 26, 2024

Going to market again

Ho hum, you say...there she is doing her due diligence and taking her table of pottery to let everyone paw upon it at their leisure. And there she went to buy fresh corn on the cob, and bread, and a brownie, and for breakfast, a scone! Not just any scone, but a chocolate chip pecan scone! But she didn't bother to have it warmed up for her. No, she'd already had her cup of coffee on the way to market, and now wanted just to nibble on her scone for a while.

Thus my 8:15 arrival at the Tailgate Market in Black Mountain moved toward the next 4 hours of wonderful weather, meeting with old friends, and selling not a thing! Zip, nada, no sales!

But did I complain? Not really. Well only that the music was bad. The weather was fantastic though. And though I coughed a bit (well quite a bit there at the end of the day) my friends were great about loading and unloading my car for me, so the worst effort I expended was arranging the pots, then packing them back into tubs again.

And I did spend some early time wandering and taking photos. It wasn't a very crowded market this week. We figured parents are going with children to get the last minute school supplies since school starts here today, Monday.

Amazing how I caught our Market manager, Jaqueline Smith, as she walked by.

I even added a sunflower to the vase, but nobody seemed interested in it. The bears and these little dishes by Cathy Babula usually get a comment...but that's all they garnered.

Amelia had some new work on display, which caught people's attention, but I don't think she had sales either.  Her daughter had made some earrings, a couple of which sold. But nobody seemed too distressed by the day's take.

So here's an old favorite to entertain you...if you like. 

Today's quote:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote, "A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days." And, "Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one."



  1. That looks such a pretty location for a market with so many mature trees around. The last weekend of school holidays is usually a time for parents to herd their little ones into shoe shops. According to a friend, who worked in one, no one ever thinks of buying children's footwear till that last weekend. The other piece of information I gleaned from the same source is that if you want a bargain then look in shoe shops in December as nobody buys shoes for Christmas!

    1. I'm laughing a bit at these bits of wisdom about shoes! Thanks John!

  2. Sorry, you did not have any pottery sales. The market does look nice, a great day. I would love a tasty brownie, yum! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. So glad you mentioned the brownie. I put it in the freezer and forgot about it!

  3. ...thanks if this morning's dose of IZ!

    1. That great Over the Rainbow...somehow he made Judy Garland's version not as much fun.

  4. Something that I haven't thought of before: do they take those tents/stalls up and down every week?

    1. Yes. The whole area just is trees and grass all the rest of the week.

  5. No sales--I've been there at book fairs and the like. Bummer. But if there's pleasant company to talk with, the time's not a loss.

    1. There is that. And wonderful weather too! I'm happy that I'm making the effort to "cull" the pottery from my shelves. Maybe some will sell next time (hope is my middle name).

  6. Love that version of Over the Rainbow. I first heard it on a medical show (ER) that was airing the last episode of the season. Hope the nice weather continues for you.

    1. the 80s for a few days, but so nice and cool at night! Yay. Sunshine too. Glad you enjoyed Iz's singing.

  7. Years ago when we did craft fairs in VA, there were days like you had, Barbara. Usually, there was a charge to rent table space so we always hoped to "make our table" and then some, which didn't always happen (sigh).


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