Monday, August 12, 2024

An ecological revolution

 It's not political.

It's not based on anyone's borders, or offences against anyone else.

Well, at least anyone human.

Just look at the history of our earth...

We've had an Industrial Revolution...a world-wide change that affected all of the earth inhabitants.

But nobody paid a bit of attention to the wildlife, nor the oceans or forests. They were also affected.

The next revolution is coming. And I have no idea how it will look. But basically, something will make a crisis. Then people will lose a lot of the power they depend upon. Then the wildlife, oceans and forests (and all of ecological life) will come to the forefront of existence, with humanity as just a part of the whole.

That's the main sign that it's happening, humanity will no longer be looked at as any leadership any more. Perhaps we will be caged to control our contrary ways. Or maybe we'll have some mental evolutionary changes that help us feel equality with the environment. That would indeed be preferable to the cages.

We just don't get it yet.

What should it be called? 

How will we recognize it?  I like thinking of how the first machines made humanity's work easier for them. And how attractive they became.

So I'm thinking this will be very attractive in comparison with the climate change disasters, failing civilizations, and need to survive for humanity in the near future.  The many dystopian movies and books are of little interest for me. It's the ecological dominance in the distant future that is intriguing.

Sarychev Volcano Eruption captured from International Space Station (ISS). June 2009

Today's quote:

The environment we create will determine what prevails. In other words, what we nurture and encourage wins.



  1. Love the quote, it is so true. The earth's health is our health. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. Thanks Eileen. Yep, I love our earth, and forget how I'm just a tiny part of life on it.

  2. Thomas Moore is absoutely right.

    1. And that's why I'm calling it a revolution, of sorts. Would that we could just evolve into wearing natural fabric clothes, walk everywhere, eat what we produced...etc.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.