Friday, July 26, 2024

Camping out (including maybe my mom's parents)

 For a few short years, from about 1913 to around the mid 1920s, auto camping was all the rage. As new owners of automobiles, Americans were learning what the freedom of having an automobile felt like. To be able to get in their cars and drive someplace, away from the city, even if just for a few days, it was worth it to be able to relax and escape the responsibilities of day to day life. Although this trend lasted just a few years, it laid the groundwork for the ways Americans would travel for years to come: auto camps were the precursor to both motels and RVs.

Thanks Facebook, Posted by Hershey Region Antique Auto Club of America

My maternal grandmother and her sister took photos of their camping out (or something outside by a car) in Texas. On the other side of my family (my father's parents) went on some hunting trips with various photos. I'll try to dig them out, but I think the hunting trips were in the 30s, so they'll be in a separate post, and my mother took part in them, while at just 7-8 years old, she wasn't in the camping outing with her mother and step-father below.

Mozelle Miller Webb Munhall, 1925, my mother's mother. 

A series of photos collected by my mother as a young girl. Later than the dates shown I think, because some of the dates are confused....probably posted after her step-father died when she was 10. 

Mozelle Miller Webb Munhall 1925

Fred Munhall and brother Jack, 1926. Fred married Mozelle Miller Webb and became my mother's step-father in November, 1924. It looks like these guys might have been hunting also, but standing on a civilized sidewalk kind of foils their intentions. Get out in the woods, guys!

Fred Munhall 1926, looking very much like he got out in the woods

Mozelle Miller Munhall and my mother, Mataley 1924 (however same outfit and standing in the same place with her step-father, my mother noted in her album 1925.) Upon further thought about them being dressed up in the daytime (not a concert or party happening) I think it might have been when Mozelle married Fred Munhall in Nov. 1924. At that time my mother would have been 7 years old.

Fred Munhall 1924

Fred Munhall

Uncle Jack Munhall, Mozelle Miller Munhall and Fred Munhall, 1926. It appears they are sitting on the bumper of a vehicle, with various boxes around. Perhaps camping, or moving...who knows.

Dorothy Miller 1926 - My great aunt Dorothy, sister of my grandmother Mozelle Miller. No clue what she is holding!

And we come back to a car with a family gathered to enjoy the great outdoors. 

 Family by the side of the road with a model T Ford

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week.

The Sepians may be by the water, but my family was in dry land, yet outside on all occasions!


  1. You are so fortunate to have all those photos!

  2. Love these old family photos. They are a treasure! Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...Between 1915 and 1924, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, and John Burroughs, calling themselves the Four Vagabonds, embarked on a series of summer camping trips. The idea was initiated in 1914 when Ford and Burroughs visited Edison in Florida and toured the Everglades. The notion blossomed the next year when Ford, Edison and Firestone were in California for the Panama-Pacific Exposition. They visited Luther Burbank and then drove from Riverside to San Diego.

  4. Hi Barbara, Great photos! Fortunately for me, my family wasn't into camping. I went camping...tent, sleeping bag...with my son once and vowed never to do that again. I love the outdoors but I want comfort at night so a B&B or hotel. My dad (KIA in WWII May of 1945) was a Conservation Officer in Michigan before the war and he and my mother camped in the wilderness. When I was growing up the closest we came to camping was Sunday picnics and rustic cabins when we were on road trips. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. A wonderful post with all those family pictures. How lucky to have them. I have a few of my father's family camping at Lake Tahoe & many, many of my growing-up family camping. I was 7 when I first remember going camping and I continued to camp with my own family as well until the kids were grown and we were older and discovered how nice it was to rent cabins. :)

  6. That was quite a setup in the first photo.

  7. These are amazing photos. Good work sharing them.

  8. That first camping trip looks like a lot of fun.

    I like the way the mats are cut on most of these photos. It’s definitely from another era.


  9. From Scotsue - I had never heard of auto camping before and you gave us a very unusual and striking set of photographs. But my favourite image was the final photo of the model T Fird car - it barely looked roadworthy! .

  10. Except for the car the camping photos look like the kind my dad took when we went car camping. But I don't think my dad could ever have packed as much gear and grub as the couple in the first photo did! I like the album page for its creative scissor work illuminated with animal illustrations.


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