Saturday, June 1, 2024

Do not sit on your hands and smile!

Just a mention on the blowback of the recent verdict. Democrats are feeling justice has been served. Republicans are feeling just a bit sad, but still full of love for their idol. That's the relationship that exists between tRump and his most ardent cult followers. Idolitry to a would-be-god!

Here's the link to let you know that "others will post fake news about Trump." This from a Republican friend on FaceBook. 

While I am thinking of marketing buttons saying: 

That's the next emotion he'll tap into ($35,000 supposedly raised right after the verdict) that he's a victim (where have I heard that before) of those awful (devilish) Democrats. He only managed to gain control over some of the court system so far. And if we're very lucky there will be more justice served to him.

For those of us who might think this verdict will change his course, think again. He just can stick another lie onto his (besides his girth, the biggest thing about him) stack of lies. The Wizzard of Oz he ain't!

Heather Cox Richardson said this:

After last night’s verdict, Trump went to the cameras and tried to establish that the nomination remains his, asserting that voters would vindicate him on November 5. But this morning, as he followed up last night’s comments, he did himself no favors. He billed the event as a “press conference,” but delivered what Michael Grynbaum of the New York Times described as “a rambling and misleading speech,” so full of grievance and unhinged that the networks except the Fox News Channel cut away from it as he attacked trial witnesses, called Judge Merchan “the devil,” and falsely accused President Joe Biden of pushing his prosecution. He took no questions from the press.

Today the Trump campaign told reporters it raised $34.8 million from small-dollar donors in the hours after the guilty verdict, but observers pointed out there was no reason to believe those numbers based on statements from Trump’s campaign. Meanwhile, Trump advisor Stephen Miller shouted on the Fox News Channel that every Republican secretary of state, state attorney general, donor, member of Congress must use their power “RIGHT NOW” to “beat these Communists!” 

John Pavlovich wrote on his blog Saturday:

To keep these many many criminals (and you do remember the "aiding and abetting part of the law) from somehow getting him back into the office of President, a LOT OF WORK is still to be done.

Check out what you can do. I'm not really energized physically, but hey, I'll post this blog over on Facebook. So talking it out is my main effort these days.


  1. Replies
    1. An excellent article about his version of life, and his cult followers. Remember how hard it was to deprogram teens and young adults who'd believed in cult leaders? Not an easy task.

  2. Feeds are fuller of tRump that usual. Ugh.

    1. Maybe somewhere else there is breaking news that we're missing!


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