Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Republicans for Biden

 An interesting article about the latest (May 7, 2024) Republican to leave the tRump freight train and declare for Biden, in The Status Quo a newsletter I've just started receiving. 

The latest convert is Geoff Duncan, the former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, which is a crucial swing state. In an OpEd in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Monday, Duncan warned that the Republican Party “will never rebuild until we move on from the Trump era.”

For Duncan, Trump has “disqualified himself through his conduct and his character,” leaving Duncan “no choice but to pull the lever for Biden.”

Duncan is the latest Republican to cross party lines. The New York Times listed a few others: former Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah, and former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. 

But Duncan’s decision is notable for at least three reasons. 

First, he is not just not voting for Donald Trump, he is actively voting for Joe Biden.

Second, he was highly critical of other GOP officials who cynically continue to support Trump, and he named names. 

And third, he laid out a unique off ramp for Republicans opposed to Trumpism but still generally supportive of Republican policies—something that might have strong appeal for so-called “Haley” Republicans.


  1. Replies
    1. I keep looking in the wings for another Obama to show up.

  2. I assume a lot of people will hold their nose and vote for Biden. At least I hope so, Trump is not good for our country and our democracy. I have already sent in my vote and received my email stating it will be counted. Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Great that you had this early voting. Holding one's nose to vote is so accurate these days. But we do have a race for Governor here in NC, our attorney general Josh Stein is the Democrat candidate after our Democrat governor has served 2 terms with a totally red legislature.

  3. Apparently, there are honourable Republicans.

  4. Sometimes I think that Trump set out to ruin the Republican party. Perhaps it’s part of a plot to destroy democracy.

  5. Hi Barbara, For a moderate Republican who enjoys sharing viewpoints with others and who believes in compromise, I feel isolated and without a political home. Sad state of affairs... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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